Court meeting: 3 November 2014
The University Court had its most recent meeting on 3 November.
Student News publishes regular updates on matters discussed at all Court meetings, during which members consider matters of strategic importance to the University.
Meetings of the Court are held six times a year.
The Court has the best interests of the whole institution at heart and it's important that the decisions which it takes are shared with and understood by our diverse University community.

Governing body
The Court is the University’s governing body and its legal persona.
With a focus on strategic direction, it takes the final decisions on issues of fundamental concern to the wellbeing of the University.
Detailed information on the membership and activities of the University Court, including meeting agendas, papers and minutes, is available online.
Summary of Court meeting: 3 November 2014
The following reports are summaries of a selection of items discussed and agreed on at Court on 3 November.
The meeting’s agenda and papers are available online.
SRUC strategic alignment
Outcome Agreements
Court approved the University's self-evaluation report of the 2013/14 Outcome Agreement and submitted it to the Scottish Funding Council (SFC).
The Outcome Agreements, in partnership with the SFC, set out how universities and colleges contribute to the delivery of Scottish Government priorities.
Edinburgh's Outcome Agreements are developed in alignment with the Strategic Plan 2012-16.
Initially covering a 12-month period, the Agreements now cover three years, with annual self-evaluation.
It was particularly noted by Court that Edinburgh's 2013/14 Outcome Agreement included the development of the Global Excellence Initiative and investment in Chancellor's Fellows.
Progress on the 2015/18 Outcome Agreement was also noted, and Court will consider this in more detail at its next meeting.
Further information can be found online.
The student experience
Further information was presented to Court on the continuing work around enhancing the student experience.
In particular, Court noted and welcomed the news that the introduction of a Personal Tutor system for research students (as is in place for taught students) is being explored.
Institute for Academic Development support for staff engaged in learning and teaching was also highlighted.
Court noted the results of the University's annual Postgraduate Taught Experience Survey.
Committees updates
Court received reports from the Policy and Resources Committee and the Audit and Risk Committee of the activities being undertaken in support of Court.
Court also approved the recommendations of the Nominations Committee in respect of appointments to Court Committees.
Further information on the remit and work of Court Committees can be found online.