New Students: You Said, We Are…
In October 2013 the Student Induction Team and Edinburgh University Students’ Association (EUSA) asked all new undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) students to tell us about their experiences pre-arrival and in the first few weeks of semester.
Many thanks to all those who took the time to respond - here is an overview of the views you shared:
You said... | We are... |
9 out of 10 UG and PG students are satisfied with their University experience so far. | The University is thrilled that your Induction and welcome to Edinburgh were positive. We’re glad you’re here! |
UGs and PGs felt that too few events are hosted by their Schools. Only 1 in 3 UG and PG said that they felt “Confident I can cope with the academic demand of my course”. | The Induction team is working with the Schools to enhance your academic induction through Pre-arrival materials and School events hosted during Freshers’ Week and the first weeks of Autumn semester |
In regards to “What one thing can we do better?” a number of you had suggestions for Accommodation Services, Timetabling, Shuttles, Academic Support, and social events to help you meet other new students. | Your comments have been passed to the relevant teams for further contemplation and action. |
Your responses indicated some confusion over pre-arrival communications and processes. | The Induction Team is working with colleagues in Registry and the Schools to review current communications and information that is available to make it more concise and easier to access. |
Prize Draw
Everyone who shared their views was entered into a prize draw. The following winners received £50 Amazon vouchers:

Why I took part
- “I appreciated having the opportunity to give feedback on something I went to” Margherita Briody (PG)
- “There were a few things I thought could have been done better when I joined so I thought it was important to pass that information on” Olivia Ogle (PG)
- “I thought it was quite respectful of the university to ask” Kristy Barnes (UG)
The Induction Team
If you would like to hear more about the specific developments that are taking place as a result of this survey or have questions or suggestions for future induction sessions, please contact the Induction Team by email: