National Student Survey
There's still time for final-year undergraduate students to complete the independent National Student Survey and give views about the University of Edinburgh.

The National Student Survey (NSS) gathers opinions from final-year undergraduates across the UK about the quality of their University courses and overall student experience.
Complete your survey
NSS is open until 30 April 2014 and takes less than five minutes to complete.
Win an iPad or £50 Amazon voucher
All respondents are entered into a prize draw to win an iPad or one of 10 £50 Amazon vouchers.
Why take part?
Shape the student experience: The survey gives you a platform to make your voice heard. The main purpose of the NSS is to help prospective students, their families and advisors to make study choices. Participating institutions and students' unions also use the data to improve the student learning experience.
Generate cash for good causes: For every response received the University will make a donation to the Edinburgh Student Charities Appeal.
Win prizes: All respondents are entered into a prize draw to win an iPad or one of 10 £50 Amazon vouchers.