Looking for a job?
Use MyCareerHub to search hundreds of vacancies and find the perfect part time job to fit around your studies.
The new online system also allows you to access the huge range of support, resources and events provided by the Careers Service.

Every week, the University is contacted by local employers looking to fill a wide variety of positions such as bar and waiting staff, swimming teachers and tutors. Last year we advertised over 1700 jobs. You can search these vacancies on MyCareerHub and set preferences to only see the jobs and events you are interested in.
Job hunting tips
Besides using MyCareerHub you may want to try:
- speaking to people who are doing the jobs you are interested in
- talking to other students, friends and family about where they work and what they do
- looking for advertisements in the windows of shops and other businesses in the city or calling into shops, cafes and bars to see if they are looking for staff
- contacting recruitment agencies for part-time jobs
It is helpful to have a CV ready if you are going to approach employers face-to-face. If you register with a recruitment agency, be pro-active - call or email your named contact regularly, so they’ll be more likely to have you in mind when a suitable job comes up.
If you would like help to improve your CV, one of our Careers Consultants can look over it to offer advice and help you make a great impression.
About MyCareerHub
Besides searching for jobs, internships and volunteering opportunities, MyCareerHub can be accessed anytime to:
- see the latest Careers Service events and book your place
- ask career-related questions and find resources
- find out about employers
- book appointments to see a Career Consultant – they are here to support you with any aspect of job hunting and career planning
You can access MyCareerHub via the Careers Service website where you can also find lots of useful information and advice. You can also contact us if you have any questions about MyCareerHub, part-time jobs or how we can help support your career planning.