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Name Role Business unit(s)
Kirsty Gardner Learning Technologist
Lesley Gardner Personal Assistant to Professor Sarah Wild
Qingyuan Gardner PhD Psychology
Tom Gardner PhD Student - Archaeology
Lizzy Garner-Foy Instructional Designer
Dr César Garro-Marín Early Career Researcher
Peter Garside Honorary Fellow
Kyle Garvie Technical Support
Professor Dragan Gasevic Honorary Professor
Howard Gaskill Honorary Fellow
James Gaston
Laura Gasull López Undergraduate Administrator
Colin Gateley Audio-Visual Technician
Dr Alfy Gathorne-Hardy Interdisciplinary Lecturer in Sustainable Resource Use
Rebecca Gaukroger Head of the Provost's Office
Professor Niels Gaul A. G. Leventis Professor of Byzantine Studies
Catherine Gauld Proteus Project Manager
Dr Eleanor Gaunt Sir Henry Dale Fellow
Élaina Gauthier-Mamaril Interdisciplinary Research Fellow in Biomedicine, Self and Society
Dr Philippe Gautier Bioinformatician