Greta Gandolfi

Human Testing Technician / Research Assistant / Tutor

  • Psychology
  • School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences

Contact details



Psychology Building

7 George Square, Edinburgh
Post code


PhD in Psychology (2020-2024), University of Edinburgh

Master's Degree in Cognitive Science (2018-2020), University of Trento

Bachelor's Degree in Philosophy (2015-2018), San Raffaele University 

Research summary

  • Lexical entrainment during dialogue
  • Interactive alignment in situated interactions
  • Interactive alignment in communities of speakers

Conference details

Poster. 01 September 2023. AMLaP 2023. San Sebastian/Donosti (SP). Lexical entrainment in human-machine interaction: effects of competence and attention. Greta Gandolfi, Martin J. Pickering, Holly P. Branigan.

Poster. 31 May 2023. PiF 2023. Ghent (BE). Contested concepts in dialogue: an exploratory study. Greta Gandolfi, Holly P. Branigan, Martin J. Pickering.

Talk. 22 September 2022. XPRAG 2022. Pavia (IT). Social status modulates lexical entrainment, but only when we are paying attention. Greta Gandolfi, Anita Tobar Henríquez & Martin J. Pickering.

Poster. 09 September 2022. AMLaP 2022. York (UK). Social status, language use, and context: Insights from lexical entrainment. Greta Gandolfi, Anita Tobar Henríquez & Martin J. Pickering.

Talk. 11 May 2022. Psycholinguistics Coffee. Online. Misalignment in alignment research. Lena-Marie Huttner, Greta Gandolfi, Joanna Kruyt.

Talk. 26 May 2021. Psycholinguistics Coffee. Online. Conceptual alignment and its meta-representation promote communication success. Greta Gandolfi.

Poster. 29 June 2021. Beonline 2021. Online. The Effect of Social Status Perception on Lexical Alignment. Greta Gandolfi, Anita Tobar Henríquez & Martin J. Pickering.

Poster. 1 March 2021. CLIC-IT 2020. Online. Predicting Social Exclusion. A Study of Linguistic Ostracism in Social Networks. Greta Gandolfi, Carlo Strapparava.

Talk. 28 January 2021. Theoretical and Experimental Approaches to Modification. Online. Adjective Ordering: a Compositional Distributional Semantics Approach. Roberto Zamparelli, Nicola Sartorato, Eleonora Gualdoni and Greta Gandolfi.

Poster. 31 July 2020. CogSci. Online. Predicting Social Exclusion: A Computational Linguistic Approach to the Detection of Ostracism. Greta Gandolfi, Carlo Strapparava.

Invited speaker

Panel Discussion. 30 May 2024. MOSAIC meeting. Online. Commentary on Alignment in Multimodal Interaction: An Integrative Framework (Rasenberg et al., 2020). Greta Gandolfi.

Talk. 10 May 2023. Interaction Lab Meeting at Heriot-Watt University. Edinburgh (UK). Can we talk about contestable concepts with social robots? Alignment in HRI: A perspective from the psychology of dialogue. Greta Gandolfi, Martin J. Pickering, Gabriel Skantze.



AMLaP - University of Edinburgh (2024)

  • Member of the students and postdocs organising commettee
  • A three-day international conference of psycholinguistics (approx. 300 people expected)

(Mis)alignment in Alignment Research - Aix-Marseille University (2023)

  • Organiser, with Lena Huttner and Joanna Kruyt
  • A two-day international workshop to discuss alignment, the related terminology and how scientists study alignment in interaction. (approx. 50 people registered)

LINk2022 - University of Edinburgh (2022)

  • Organiser, with Esperanza Badaya
  • A two-day event, targeting postgraduate students and early-stage career researchers who are interested in the Psychology of Language (approx. 40 people registered)

Psycholinguistics Coffee - University of Edinburgh (2021-24)

  • Organiser with Esperanza Badaya (until September 2023), Nora Kennis and Shuting Chen (until May 2024)
  • Weekly seminars for postgraduate students and staff to discuss psycholinguistics research (10-15 people)


  • Almost There – Workshop on Career options in the last year of your PhD (2024), Psychology of Language Group. Greta Gandolfi.
  • Organising a Conference: What we learnt and what to expect (2023), Psychology of Language Group. Greta Gandolfi.
  • Writing Hours for PGR students (2021-22), Psychology students. Greta Gandolfi with Esperanza Badaya and Sam Harry.