Qingyuan Gardner
PhD Psychology

- Psychology
- School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences
Contact details
- Email: q.gardner@ed.ac.uk
- Street
F24, 7 George Square
- City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH8 9JZ
I am a PhD student in Psycholinguistics at the University of Edinburgh currently working on second language (L2) speech production and comprehension. My main research interests lie with how L2 speakers produce and understand grammatical features which might not exist in their native language, and how this information can help speakers to achieve higher level understanding. I have presented my work at AMLaP and EuroSLA conferences in the past few years. I am also an active member of the bilingualism research community. Over the past few years, I have taught undergraduate tutorials and led lab sessions. This has helped me to achieve the Asscociate Fellow status of the Higher Education Academy.
PhD student in Psycholinguistics (University of Edinburgh) 2015-2020
Msc Psychology of Language (University of Edinburgh) 2013-2014
Bsc Psychology (University of York) 2010-2013
Associate Fellow of UK Higher Education Academy (HEA)
Responsibilities & affiliations
Bilingualism Research Group (Co-organiser, 2017-2019)
Undergraduate teaching
Psychology 1st Year Tutorials 2017-2019
Research summary
My PhD thesis investigates second language (L2) production and comprehension in Mandarin speakers of English, focusing on the acquisition of temporal inflectional morphology. My research interests also include L2 phonological processing, articulation of L2 speech and the integration of L2 syntactic and semantic information.
Current research interests
My current PhD project focuses on the acquisition of inflectional morphology by L1 Mandarin speakers of English. Current studies examine the production, comprehension and phonological processing of English temporal morphology by L2 English speakers from native Mandarin backgrounds.Conference details
Gardner, Q., Branigan, H.P. & Chondrogianni, V. (2018). Can L2 Speakers Acquire New Morphological Distinctions? Evidence From Temporal Morphological Production In Mandarin Speakers Of English.
* Poster presented at the 24th Architectures and Mechanisms of Language Processing Conference, Berlin, Germany, 6th-8th September, 2018.
* Talk given at 28th European Second Language Acquisition Conference, Münster, Germany, 5th-8th September, 2018.