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Name Role Business unit(s)
Naomi Nota Postdoctoral Research Associate
Dr Guilherme Nothen Teaching Fellow in Social Sciences in Sports
Edouard Notte Teaching Fellow / Codirector of Le Centre de Recherches Francophones Belges
Ms Amanda Novak Named Veterinary Surgeon
William Novak UG Law Student
Clotilde Nove Language Assistant / Lectrice
Nick Novelli PhD Philosophy
Clarisa Novello Teaching Fellow
Professor Matthew Novenson Honorary Fellow
Vicente Noviello IS Information & Support Assistant (Edhelp)
Ms Elzbieta Nowak - Dabkowska Servitor
Professor Fabio Nudelman Professor of Biomineralization
Dr Ana Nuevo-Chiquero Senior Lecturer
Amy Nugent Assistant Trial Manager
Professor Paul Nugent Professor of Comparative African History
Alicia Nunez-Garcia Research Fellow (Pilot studies and evaluation; qualitative methods)
Alicia Núñez-García
Dr. Alessandro Nunziata
Siti Nuraeni, B.Ed., MSc
Dr Tim Nuttall Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Dermatology