Professor Matthew Novenson
Honorary Fellow

Matthew V. Novenson is Professor of Biblical Criticism and Biblical Antiquities at the University of Edinburgh, where he is also director of the Centre for the Study of Christian Origins. He has been visiting professor at Dartmouth College and Duke University and visiting research fellow at the University of Cambridge and University of Durham. He is the author of Christ among the Messiahs (Oxford University Press, 2012), The Grammar of Messianism (Oxford University Press, 2017), and Paul, Then and Now (Eerdmans, 2022), and editor of Monotheism and Christology in Greco-Roman Antiquity (Brill, 2020) and The Oxford Handbook of Pauline Studies (Oxford University Press, 2022).
Responsibilities & affiliations
Director, Centre for the Study of Christian Origins
Associate Editor, New Testament Studies
Co-editor, Edinburgh Studies in Religion in Antiquity
Co-Chair, Pauline Epistles Section, Society of Biblical Literature
Co-Chair, Paul Seminar, British New Testament Society
Undergraduate teaching
Introductory Biblical Hebrew
Introductory New Testament Greek
Intermediate New Testament Greek
Paul and His Letters
Second Temple Judaism (Honours)
New Testament Texts (Honours)
New Testament Themes (Honours)
Studies in the Apostle Paul (Honours)
New Testament Christology (Honours)
The New Testament and Graeco-Roman Culture (Honours)
Postgraduate teaching
Approaches to Research in Biblical Studies
Selected Topics in Biblical Studies
New Testament Exegesis
Ancient Jewish, Christian, and Pagan Texts
The New Testament in Its Graeco-Roman Context
Ancient Mediterranean Religions
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
Current PhD students supervised
Charles Cisco, Freedom and slavery in Paul's Letter to the Galatians
Manse Rim, Messiah and righteousness in the letters of Paul
Daniel Lam, Deified humans in ancient Judaism
Jared Hay, Immediate postmortem existence in Paul, John of Patmos, and Luke
Geon Kang, The law in the messianic age
Daniel Mikkelsen, The resurrrection of the flesh
Zac McNeal, Paul at Nag Hammadi
Naomi Reiss, Incarceration in early Christian texts
Daisy Andoh, Messianism and justice in the Apocalypse of John
Fangzhou Song, Christology in the Epistle of Barnabas
Kendall Davis, Messianism in Luke-Acts
Past PhD students supervised
Jay Thomas Hewitt, Jewish messianism and "in Christ" in Paul
Bernardo Cho, Messianism and the priesthood in the Gospel of Mark
Daniel Jackson, Glory in Paul's Letter to the Romans
Benjamin Petroelje, Ephesians and the formation of the corpus Paulinum
Sydney Tooth, The eschatologies of 1 and 2 Thessalonians
Brian Bunnell, The kingdom of God in the earliest Christian texts
Patrick McMurray, Sacrifice in Paul's letter to the Romans
Sofanit Abebe, 1 Enoch and 1 Peter on apocalyptic space and time
Ryan Collman, Circumcision in the letters of Paul
Matthew Sharp, Divination in the letters of Paul
Alex Muir, Paul and Seneca on consolation
Research summary
My research interests span ancient Mediterranean religions, but especially Judaism and Christianity in the Greco-Roman world. I have worked, and continue to work, on the letters of Paul, early Christology, Jewish messianic movements, comparison in the study of religions, and hermeneutics in biblical interpretation. I supervise postgraduate research in all of these subfields, and I invite prospective postgraduate students to contact me by email.
More information about Professor Novenson's research projects is available on his Edinburgh Research Explorer profile.
Affiliated research centres
Project activity
More information about Professor Novenson's research projects is available on his Edinburgh Research Explorer profile