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Name Role Business unit(s)
Mx Tracy Noden Teaching Planning Administrator
Umberto Noe Lecturer and PPLS Coordinator of Adjustments
Makan Nojoumian PhD Philosophy
Lorraine Nolan e-Programme Support Officer
Rosaleen Nolan
Thilo Nolden Teaching Assistant at the School of Physics and Astronomy
Jonas Nölle PhD Linguistics & English Language
Dr Louis Nolte Teaching Fellow in Sports Policy and Management
Yongguang Nong PhD Philosophy
Amir Masoud Noohi
Stephen Noon
Kate Norman Visiting Fellow
Margaret Norman Placement Tutor PGDE Placement Tutor Moray House
Ian Normile Teaching Fellow
John Norrie Professor of Medical Statistics and Trial Methodology / Director of Edinburgh Clinical Trials Unit
Rachelle Norry Head of Alumni Engagement
Professor Michael S Northcott Professor Emeritus
Joe Norton
Michaela Noskova
Isla Nosratzadeh