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Name Role Business unit(s)
Graeme Mcfeely Student Support and Experience Administrator
Dr Ashleigh McFeeters Lecturer in Child Protection Administrative Data
Michelle McGannan
Steven McGauley Head of Operations
Robert Mcgeachan ECAT-V Lecturer
Denise McGee-Dewar Teaching Fellow in Physical Education
Professor Sarah McGeown REF Engagement and Impact Lead
Jamie McGhee PhD Experimental Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience
Monica McGhee Teaching Fellow in History Education
Amy McGillivray Enquiry Management Assistant
Karen McGillivray Veterinary Nurse Nights
Lynne McGillivray ECTU Business and Quality Assurance Administrator
Neil McGillivray Chief Operating Officer | Operational Lead Co-Chair (DDI)
Becky McGinney
Sarah McGlasson Postdoctoral scientist
Aidan McGlynn Senior Lecturer
Amy McGoohan PhD Student
Naomi McGookin Teaching Fellow
Prof Bruce McGorum Personal Chair of Equine Medicine
Addie McGowan Marketing & Communications Manager