Eilidh Rose McEwan

Postdoctorate Researcher Deaf Education

  • Moray House of Education and Sport, University of Edinburgh

Contact details


I started my studies at the University of Glasgow with an MA in English Literature and History, followed by a MSc in International Relations in 2015. After a few years of working for various organisations and travel overseas, I started a Ph.D at the University of Central Lancashire in 2017 in the field of Deaf Studies and International Development. My Ph.D investigated the capabilities of deaf people in a peer-to-peer literacy project where deaf learners were taught English through a bilingual, multiliteracies learning model across a variety of international contexts.

Shortly after completing my doctorate degree in December 2021, I worked on a research project at the University of Roehampton, investigating the impact of Covid19 social restriction measures on deaf and vision impaired children and young people in mainstream school settings. From this study, we produced a report for BATOD.


MA English Literature and History 2013.

MSc International Relations 2015.

Ph.D Deaf Studies 'The capabilities of deaf people in development projects in the Global South.' 2021.

Research summary

Language education; language acquisition; applied (sign) linguistics; language learning. 

Current research interests

Her current research includes a study on AI captions and summaries for deaf children across the UK, and a study on ethics and professionalism among teachers of the deaf.

Past research interests

Multiliteracies language learning with deaf communities; bilingual learning with English and sign languages; Covid19 social restriction measures and their impact on deaf and vision impaired pupils.

Project activity

For the Ethics and Teachers of the Deaf project, surveys have been collected, alongside research from magazine articles and interviews with teachers of the deaf. A magazine article is forthcoming in early 2025. 

For the Captions and Summary project, data is now being collected.  

Past project grants

External Scholarships
November 2019 Sir Richard Stapley Education Trust
August 2019 Gallaudet Graduate Alumni Association
October 2018 The Sidney Perry Foundation
June 2018 Galluadet Graduate Alumni Association
May 2018 Sir Richard Stapley Education Trust
November 2017 Scottish International Education Trust
July 2017 The Sidney Perry Foundation

Internal UCLAN grants
March 2019 Conference attendance grant £300
October 2018 PhD fieldwork expenses £300
June 2018 Conference attendance Warsaw SIGN9 grant £300