Denise McGee-Dewar
Teaching Fellow in Physical Education

- Moray House School of Education and Sport, ISPEHS
- University of Edinburgh
Contact details
- Tel: +44 (0)131 651 6580
- Email:
- Web: @PEDeniseMc_D
- Street
Moray House School of Education and Sport, SL 3.34
- City
- University of Edinburgh (Holyrood Campus)
- Post code
- EH8 8AQ
I worked as a secondary school PE teacher since 2006, as well as holding posts as 'Principal teacher of Curriculum for Excellence' (2009-2010) and 'Subject champion of Health and Wellbeing' (Scottish Borders, 2010-2012). I have been seconded as a Teaching fellow in Physical Education at Moray House since August 2016.
I have professional interests in developing critical thinking skills through PE, inclusion of pupils with additional support needs in PE and professional development through self study research. My Masters project focussed on understanding the experiences of physical education teachers during ITE, induction and post-induction phases through a phenomenological perspective.
BEd (Hons) PE Edinburgh University 2005
MSc Research with Merit Edinburgh University 2022
Undergraduate teaching
Physical Culture 1 and 2
Physical education curriculum and pedagogy 2
Educational studies 4
Postgraduate teaching
- Teaching Basketball within the broad general education (practical).
-- Teaching Hockey within the broad general education (practical).
Open to PhD supervision enquiries?
AIESEP World Congress Edinburgh University- June 2018- Part of the organising commitee for volunteers and logistics
Papers delivered
SERA Conference Nov 2017- Developing Critical Thinking Skills in PE
SERA Conference 2018- Using Self-study to enhance professional learning
AIESEP pre-conference Seminar 2018- Practitioner enquiry (Poster)
SERA Conference 2019- The impact of self-study on professional learning. (Poster)
SERA Conference 2019- Discussant for Symposium- Self-study in educational research
SERA conference 2022- Poster presentation- the impact of the phenomenological perspective in understanding PE teacher's early career experiences.
SERA conference 2022- Winner of Estelle Brisard memorial prize.
David Laing student book collecting prize, runner up- 2021
SERA conference 2022- Winner of Estelle Brisard memorial prize.