Alex McDonnell |
PhD Candidate |
Ciara McDonnell |
Wendy McDougald |
Physics Research Fellow |
Craig McDougall |
Innovation Fellow |
Dr Gordon McDougall |
Dean, Quality Assurance |
Roddy McDougall |
The Narrativization of the Global Financial Crisis by the Japanese Press |
Stewart McDougall |
Post-Doctoral Research Fellow |
Mrs Fiona McDowall |
Lead/Senior Oncology Nurse |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
- The Riddell-Swan Veterinary Cancer Centre
Dr Stephen McDowall |
Senior Lecturer in History |
- School of History, Classics and Archaeology
Val McDowall |
Resuscitation Officer MBChB University of Edinburgh, Deputy Theme Head Resuscitation - Emergency Care Clinical and Resuscitation Skills (ECCARS) |
Dr Matthew L McDowell |
Lecturer in Sport Policy, Management, and International Development |
- Moray House School of Education and Sport
- Institute for Sport, Physical Education & Health Sciences (ISPEHS)
- Edinburgh Critical Studies in Sport (ECSS) Research Group
Gregor McElvogue |
Business Development Manager |
- Informatics Industry Engagement
- Edinburgh Laboratory for Integrated AI
- School of Informatics
Eilidh Rose McEwan |
Postdoctorate Researcher Deaf Education |
Ms Pamela McEwan |
Animal Care Assistant |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Dr Shonagh McEwan |
Policy Engagement with Research Manager |
- Edinburgh Research Office
- Edinburgh Research Blog
Dr John McFadden |
Data Analyst (Postdoctoral) |
Mairi Mcfadyen |
Teaching Research Assistant in Scottish Culture & Heritage |
- Celtic and Scottish Studies
- School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Rosie McFadyen |
Honour Student |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
- The Roslin Institute
Dr Lois W. McFarland |
Lecturer in Religion and Literature |
Gus McFarlane |
Research Associate |