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Name Role Business unit(s)
Brittany Bovenzi Senior Project Officer
Dr Mary Bovill Programme Director: PGDE (Secondary Education) / Lecturer and Researcher
Anna Bovo, Teaching Fellow (RN, MSc, SEP, PhDC)
Professor Stephen Bowd Professor of Early Modern History; European History, 1500-1800
Jessica Bowden
Mel Bowden Marketing & Communications Administrator
Verity Bowell MSc Co-ordinator
Joanna Bowes DHHPS Secretary
William B. Bowes
Fiona Bowie Teaching Fellow in Gaelic Education
Mary Bownes Emerita Professor of Developmental Biology (Retired)
Amanda Boyd Anna Williams' Group Lab Manager
Andrew Boyd Research Technician
Dr Christopher Boyd
Mrs Emma Boyd Exotic Animal Teaching Facility Supervisor
Julia Boyd Senior Trial Manager
Kirsty Boyd Reader in Palliative Care
Dr Sharon Boyd Senior Lecturer in Distance Student Learning
Nicola Boydell Lecturer in Social Science and Public Health
Angela Boyle