Apisit Boupai
Thesis title: Does crop genotype utilisation of soil organic matter lower greenhouse gas emissions from soil?

Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Security
- The James Hutton Institute
Contact details
- Email: A.Boupai@sms.ed.ac.uk
PhD supervisors:
- Street
Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Systems
The University of Edinburgh, Charnock Bradley Building, Easter Bush Campus - City
- Midlothian
- Post code
- EH25 9RG
Apasit is a government officer - soil scientist at the Land Development Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives, Thailand. He works in the area of land degradation management with a focus on sandy soils, hardpan soils, lateritic soils, shallow soils, and contaminated soils in agriculture. HeĀ uses cover crops, organic farming, and sustainable land management to understand the fate of soil quality and health at both fundamental and applied levels.
His PhD project has a strong focus on understanding the greenhouse gas emissions of different plant cultivars, which investigates (1) plant genotypes' effects on carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, (2) the efficacy of soil management and environmental factors on soil carbon and nitrogen pools, and (3) soil microbial network on rhizodeposition inputs. He is applying knowledge of using stable isotope science to trace and understand carbon and nitrogen cycling processes while looking at greenhouse gas emissions from the rhizosphere.