Mary Bownes (OBE)
Emerita Professor of Developmental Biology (Retired)

Contact details
- Tel: +44 (0)131 240 5000
- Email:
1973 D.Phil., School of Biological Sciences, Sussex University
1973-1975 Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Freiburg and University of California Irvine
1976-1979 Lecturer in Genetics and Developmental Biology, Essex University
1979 Joined University of Edinburgh as Lecturer in Molecular Biology
1993-2014 Personal Chair of Developmental Biology
1994-Present Fellow, Royal Society of Edinburgh
1997-1998 Associate Dean for Postgraduates in Faculty of Science and Engineering
1998-2001 Head of Institute of Cell and Molecular Biology
2001-2003 Convener of Senatus postgraduate Studies Committee
2002-present Director, Scottish Initiative for Biotechnology Education
2003-2006 Vice Principal - Widening Participation, Recruitment, Admissions, Community Relations, Postgraduates and Scholarships
2008-present Establish and embedding of Edinburgh Beltane
2011-2012 Vice Principal - External Engagement
2012-2014 Senior Vice Principal
2014-present Emerita Professor of Developmental Biology
2015-2016 Vice Principal - Community Engagement (part time)
Research summary
Our research focused for many years on reproduction and development in Drosophila, other insects and mice and now focuses on how to successfully engage with schools and the public about advances in research. I have also applied my research approach to other areas of my Vice Principal remits.
A list of research publications from 2000-2008 onwards is available in the 'References' Section below. From 2008 onwards, I have entirely concentrated on public engagement and outreach and developing researchers to engage with schools, the public and policy makers and thinking about how to best engage with the wider public.
Knowledge exchange
Scottish Initiative for Biotechnology Education
I am director of the Scottish Initiative for Biotechnology Education (SIBE). The deputy Director is Janet Paterson. We are involved in a variety of projects which aim to enhance engagement with biotechnology through interactions with the scientific community, school students, teachers and the general public.
We develop educational resources for teachers and school students, run biotechnology workshops in schools, organise exciting public science events and encourage and train researchers to communicate their research to schools and the public. We have collaborative projects with partners, such as the Scottish Science Centres, the Botanic Gardens and science festivals, where researchers interact directly with the public.
We organise Discover Science, the University of Edinburgh's family programme in the Edinburgh International Science Festival in partnership with the National Museum of Scotland. The latest Discover Science informal report is linked below. We also organise the University of Edinburgh Postgraduate Science Communication Team and work with the Scottish Schools Equipment Research Centre (SSERC). Our resources include a booklet on evolution for all schools in Scotland in celebration of the anniversary of Darwin's birth. Our popular stem cells booklet, aimed at secondary school pupils is also linked below.
Since our founding in 2002, funding for SIBE has been generally provided by the Darwin Trust, and we have received additional project funding from the Wellcome Trust, BBSRC and the Scottish Executive.
A recent project - Researchers in Residence Project
We completed a £1.2m contract over 3 years in 2009 managing the ‘Researchers in Residence’ scheme funded by Research Councils UK and the Wellcome Trust.
The Researchers in Residence scheme facilitated a mutually beneficial relationship between researchers and secondary school pupils through the placement of researchers in schools throughout the UK. It aimed to engage pupils with contemporary research in order to stimulate their interest and motivation in the social, physical, life and earth sciences and the humanities whilst also providing early-stage researchers with the opportunity to develop and use effective science communication and teamwork skills.
This provided exciting opportunities for researchers to get involved with and interact with young people to help explore why research is important to contemporary life and how it influences us all. Teachers were able to develop with their researcher a tailor-made programme that suited everyone's needs and took the form of project design, careers talks, ethical discussions or workshops.
We delivered this in collaboration with 7 other regional partners that are Higher Education or Research Institutions around the UK. These were the Universities of Birmingham, Cardiff, Manchester, Sussex and York, the BBSRC-funded John Innes Centre, Norwich and Imperial College, University of London. The Careers Research Advisory Centre (who deliver Vitae programme) was also a partner.
The scheme was carried forward across the UK by consultants hired by RCUK and Wellcome Trust and many research students and researchers at the University of Edinburgh still engage in similar activities.
Edinburgh Beltane: Established originally as one of Six Beacons of Public Engagement in the UK
Project Manager is Heather Rea. The UK Higher Education Funding Councils, Research Councils UK and the Wellcome Trust have long understood the direct and indirect benefits of public engagement, including:
- Enriched research;
- Enhanced impact;
- Broadened attitudes;
- Continued relevance of work within academic communities;
- Increased confidence in the research process;
- Improved understanding of research progress, and direct benefits from new knowledge.
These groups recognised that public engagement should be embedded into Higher Education practice and policy. In 2008, £1.2million was awarded to us to set up a collaborative centre: a Beacon for Public Engagement. The aim of a Beacon was to translate the funding bodies commitment to public engagement, both operationally and strategically, and embed public engagement as a fundamental part of the academic environment.
The Edinburgh Beltane partners included six academic centres, which brought together the traditional excellence with the progressive thinking which gives Scottish universities a world-leading international reputation. The other ten research, policy, public and engagement partners increased the capacity to innovate and inspire! Although centred on a cluster of universities in Edinburgh, partners such as the Universities of Highlands and Islands provided a rural dimension.
The programme covered all academic disciplines, and has effected culture change on every level. It is now embedded in the University. The Project Manager is Heather Rae.
Why "Beltane"?
Beltane is the Celtic word for a Beacon: This name was chosen to reflect our unique Scottish focus. Scotland has some very special advantages, with a relatively small population and a limited number of Higher Education Institutions. This makes networking and sharing events much easier. Another advantage is the proximity of the Scottish Parliament, who has expressed a wish for more engagement in policy making by the public. We see a Beacon as being a genuine way to facilitate this process.
Beltane is also traditionally a festival which brings together wider communities to maintain relationships, forge new links and liaisons, and set up new partnerships and ensure that different communities could share experience and work together. This matches our vision for the special mix of communities which formed our founding partnership.
The original Edinburgh Beltane Partners
The University of Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh Napier University, UHI Millennium Institute, Edinburgh College of Art, Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh Consortium for Rural Research, Edinburgh International Science Festival, Global Science Network, National Museums Scotland, Our Dynamic Earth, Roslin Institute, Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, Royal Observatory Edinburgh Visitor Centre, The Royal Society of Edinburgh and Vitae.
Supporting individual researchers
Beltane has offered support to all levels, from undergraduate student to Professor. Examples include prestigious fellowships, bursaries, training courses, networking events, high-impact opportunities at the Scottish Parliament, a Scotland-wide conference, consultancy advice and useful publications.
- Beltane encourages researchers to develop a real and meaningful understanding of the people their work will affect - and a certain amount of humility around different types of knowledge, to acknowledge public expertise, hopes, fears and priorities in the planning stages of research projects.
- Beltane promotes the advantages of open and transparent working, with ongoing two-way dialogue throughout a project.
- We also encourage cross-disciplinary approaches and cultural engagement: Since the major global challenges cannot be divided into academic disciplines, it makes sense for researchers to collaborate and create coherent experiences for the public.
Researchers in the Beltane network enjoy doing high-quality and meaningful public engagement activities. They help ensure that relevant publics or policymakers can immediately benefit from new knowledge, understand the progress (and, of equal importance, the limitations) of research, and build trustful and mutually respectful relationships.
Garnering support (from management and beyond)
Changing cultures - especially within large, autonomous institutions full of busy people - does not happen overnight.
- By highlighting quality activities, Beltane can demonstrate the credibility of public engagement. This also promotes the win-win situation that is possible if engagement is done properly, and results in better research. The researchers are confident, well-rounded and highly-skilled, able to organise themselves efficiently, communicate effectively and collaborate willingly. Academics are not traditionally taught these skills, but they are highly transferable from engagement work.
- There are also now several prestigious prizes which reward and recognise excellence in public engagement, such as:
- The RSE Beltane Senior/Innovator Prize for Public Engagement (Scotland-wide);
- The Heriot-Watt Principal’s Prize for Public Engagement, and;
- The Tam Dalyell Prize for Excellence in Engaging the Public with Science (The University of Edinburgh).
These are important to recognise effort by individuals who do outstanding public engagement (many of whom have been engaging on a voluntary basis since before the Beacons for Public Engagement project!), and further legitimise this work.
Influencing policymakers
The Beltane team has also been working hard to influence policy, and encourage people to consider the role that research and universities can play in Scotland’s future.
- As of January 2012, four (of five) academic Beltane partners are signatories of "The Engaged University: A manifesto for public engagement" which demonstrates a long-term strategic commitment to public engagement.
- As part of UK Universities Week 2011, Edinburgh Beltane hosted two events to begin dialogue around Realising the Full Potential of Scottish Universities. In collaboration with Scotland’s Futures Forum and Universities Scotland, these events brought MSPs and parliamentary researchers together with University Principals and Vice Principals to explore the concept of an engaged university and consider how to support meaningful engagement between the university sector, Scottish Parliament and the public to benefit society. (Link to reports)
- As part of the Beacons for Public Engagement network, Beltane is also involved in the national policy discussions around the future of engagement: How can we define (and measure) quality in engagement? Should everyone engage? How can we recognise professional development in engagement? These are all questions which are becoming increasingly important as engagement shifts from an emergent concept, to a core ethos at universities.
The Next Phase
Following the end of the externally won funding the Beltane was sustained and embedded in the Institute of Academic Development with Support from all four Edinburgh based universities - Heriot-Watt, Edinburgh, Napier and Queen Margaret. The partnership has a steering group with members from all the partners and external members which I continued to chair until 2016. The activity is embedded in the Institute of Academic Development located at the University of Edinburgh. This is being taken forward under the leadership of Assistant Principal Lesley McAra and Project Managed by Heather Rae.
Beltane is committed to creating the right partnerships for public engagement activities, and providing invaluable opportunities for personal and professional development in engagement. We welcome participation from students and researchers in all disciplines and at all stages of their careers.
Please email
Project activity
Most Recent Vice Principal Role (2015-2016 Part-time)
My main activity is developing partnerships with key organisations in Scotland which have a major research, education and engagement role and which hold significant collections. These include the National Museums of Scotland, The Royal Zoological Society of Scotland, The National Galleries of Scotland and The National Libraries of Scotland.
We have significant interest in and complementary skills to each of these organisations across a number of disciplines of the University. We also have long standing relationships with all these organisations. The key is to work together to best use our resources and make the work of both the University and the Institutions better.
So we are collaborating on collections and their display, research projects, IT projects about how to make collections (like rare books more accessible). We are always keen to provide access to the variety of academic expertise available at the University and to find ways of giving students a wider variety of opportunities for internships, projects and volunteering to develop their skills. We believe that all the interactions around education will make the materials held and the associated research much more accessible to the wider public – both children and adults.
We are also working to increase our partnership with the City through the Council, communities and, for example, the wide range of festivals that Edinburgh is famous for and to which staff and students make a major contribution.
Other activities
I am involved in securing and ensuring delivery of some key “one off” events that bring people to the University of Edinburgh, especially to Old College such as the Chinese Lantern Warriors, the Kelpies and most recently the Exhibition of Kaleidoscopes and the work of Scottish inventor, David Brewster, previous Principal of Edinburgh University and the beauty of kaleidoscopes brought especially from the Japan Kaleidoscope Museum for the Science Festival in 2016.
I am chaired a working group to develop a Public Engagement Strategy for the University, which was completed in 2016.
Recent Vice Principal Areas of Leadership:
Development and Alumni
The Development and Alumni team is a crucial part of the University. Once someone has studied at Edinburgh they remain part of our University community.
We are involving our Alumni much more in the day-to-day life of the University and helping Alumni build local networks to support each other, wherever they are in the world and whatever their chosen career.
To maintain our position as a world leader in research, teaching and knowledge exchange and to offer a vibrant cutting edge environment for staff and students, we need to have income to deliver new ideas, build new buildings and look after our wonderful historic legacy of old buildings. Further, because it is becoming more and more expensive to study in the UK, we need to be sure we have a wide portfolio of bursaries and scholarships to ensure that talented people who would benefit and flourish at Edinburgh have the chance to come here.
We completed a £350 million fundraising campaign. We will certainly need to continue fund raising once it is complete as there are many more innovative ideas that will make a huge difference to and impact on the wider world that we will need to deliver.
To find out more about our Development and Alumni activities see the website.
My involvement in this area led me write a book on the impact of philanthropy at the University during our history “Private Giving, Public Good”. When I retired as Senior Vice Principal in 2014, I handed responsibility for this to Professor Charlie Jeffery and a new VP for engagement has subsequently been appointed in 2016 – Chris Cox.
I spent many years on postgraduate affairs, having been postgraduate Associate Dean for Science and Engineering and chaired the Senatus Postgraduate Studies Committee leading on the establishment of graduate schools across the university to support our students consistently. I was also involved in pushing for there to be more support for early career researchers and appropriate training, locally, nationally and internationally. There was also a need to separate out the taught masters training and development needs from the postgraduate research student needs.
One very essential thing was a different type of accommodation needed for our postgraduates and in significant numbers. It was exciting to be involved in the development of a different type of accommodation for our growing postgraduate population and even better to see it coming on stream in Holyrood and winning acclaim.
I convened the newly formed Researcher Experience Committee (REC) of Senate for its first two years from 2009 to 2011. The REC is responsible, on behalf of the Senatus, for postgraduate research degree training, higher degrees and provision for the training of other, early career researchers. The Committee also provides a forum to facilitate and encourage the development of appropriate strategy and also discusses and promotes relevant developments, whether internally driven or externally indicated.
I handed the chair of REC and leadership of postgraduate matters to Assistant Principal Jeremy Bradshaw in 2012.
Researcher Experience Committee
Joint International PhDs
For details of our partners go to:
We have been developing joint PhDs with a variety of partners to offer a global experience to some of our students and to promote research collaboration across the globe. Our partners include a number of French Universities, a number of Universitas 21 Universities and Macquarie University in Sydney. With a number of European universities, particularly those in LERU. The method we use is a high level MOU on the general partnership and student specific MOAs with all the details.
Research Training and Transferable Skills
We have dramatically expanded our programme of transferable skills for research students and early career researchers. For some time I was responsible for the Roberts skills agenda within the University and ensuring the training of postgraduates filled current expectations, all of which was embedded in the Institute of Academic Development.
International 3 Minute Thesis Competition
For details of the courses and their development visit the website:
Institute for academic development, courses and events
We have developed a portfolio of scholarships and bursaries to offer to students at many levels of study. The bursary schemes we offer aim to ensure that potential students who are talented are not deterred from attending the University for financial reasons. There are scholarships at the Masters and PhD level in a variety of disciplines. We also work hard to provide support for students from a variety of developing countries to access education. To find out what we offer, visit the website:
Recruitment and Admissions and Widening Participation
The recruitment of students using a well defined admissions process and developing a widening participation strategy in a way which selects the students with the best potential to be successful at the University of Edinburgh whatever their background is central to our activities. We are involved in many outreach programmes such as Pathways to the Professions to encourage young people to look at these professions as genuine career possibilities.
For more information on student recruitment, admissions and widening participation visit the SRA website at:
Follow the links below to find out about our open days for Undergraduates and Postgraduates.
Community Relations/Engagement
It is crucial that an old and established University like Edinburgh engages with the wider community. This means being good neighbours to others in the city, working with councils and community groups, with schools and businesses, with policy makers and the government.
It also means sharing our knowledge and expertise with the wider community and engaging with young people and various groups in the general public.
We are also keen that our 28,000 students and 9,000 staff are seen as valued members of the community. There are outstanding examples of students contributing to the city through volunteering and many activities on projects and using course work counting towards a degree.
This role is now being developed by Assistant Principal Lesley McAra.
Social Responsibility and Sustainability
The University is committed to ensuring that social responsibility and sustainability informs our teaching, research and campus management, and our engagement with the wider community. Through the University’s Strategic Plan 2008-12, the themes of social responsibility and sustainability are at the heart of the University’s mission.
We are committed to widening participation, increasing diversity and providing equality of opportunity for all prospective and current students and staff. As a socially responsible organization, we take pride in our efforts to ensure that social and environmental concerns influence our decision-making and effective operation.
The University is taking measured steps to embed social responsibility and sustainability within all policies and practices, with progress being monitored and reported by a number of committees. This includes the University’s Sustainability and Environmental Advisory Group (SEAG), which I chaired, that aimed to promote change, enhance community engagement and to promote the values of social responsibility and sustainability throughout the University. It has now been replaced and moved from being an advisory group to an official University Committee – Social Responsibility and Sustainable Committee.
The Social Responsibility and Sustainability Strategy (SRS) 2012-2016 and each annual Implementation Plan that guides the direction of the University, as well as related news, can be found at our Social Responsibility website.
About Social Responsibility and Sustainability.
We have published regular annual SRS Highlights Reports and these are available at Governance and reporting along with a fuller online sustainability report and our Climate Action Plan 2010-20.
Since being involved as VP in this activity, the University has established the first sustainability and social responsibility office in the UK to take the implementation of this forward. To increase student engagement with social responsibility and sustainability, we launched OurEd, a website for Edinburgh students. OurEd frames social responsibility and sustainability as issues of environment, development, health and social justice, encouraging community among students around these issues.
The approach highlights those students and societies who are already actively engaged in the social responsibility and sustainability agenda. Through telling the stories of students we demonstrate the excitement and rewards of getting involved.
OurEd makes use of social networking, videos and other interactive applications, making the site lively and engaging for all students. The website is world-leading among Universities in its innovative, and wide ranging approach to engaging students in social responsibility and sustainability. It was "Highly Commended" in the UK Green Gown Awards 2011 for its ground-breaking approach along with a Carbon Catalysts project which grew out of the student and staff-led project.
Transition Edinburgh University
The project was made possible by funding from Santander and is maintained by the Sustainability office.
MACIVER. B., MCCAHILL, A. PATHIRANA, S., LEAPER, K. A., BOWNES, M. (2000) A putative sodium-dependent inorganic phosphate co-transporter from Drosophila melanogaster. Dev. Genes Evol. 210, 207-211.
ZHAO, D., WOOLNER, S., BOWNES, M. (2000) The Mirror transcription factor links signalling pathways in Drosophila oogenesis. Dev. Genes Evol. 210, 449-457.
SAUNDERS, P.T.K., PATHIRANA, S., MAGUIRE, S.M., DOYLE, M., WOOD, T., BOWNES, M. (2000) The mouse staufen genes are expressed in germ cells during oogenesis and spermatogenesis. Molecular Human Reproduction 6, 983-991.
ZHAO, D., CLYDE, D., BOWNES, M. (2000) Expression of the fringe gene is down regulated by Gurken/Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor signalling and is required for morphogenesis of ovarian follicle cells. J. Cell Science 113, 3781-3794.
CLYDE, D., BOWNES, M. (2000) The Dstpk61 locus of Drosophila produces multiple transcripts and protein isoforms, suggesting it is involved in multiple signalling pathways. J. Endocrinol. 167, 391-401.
PATHIRANA, S., ZHAO, D., BOWNES, M. (2001) The Drosophila RGS protein Loco is required for dorsal/ventral axis formation of the egg and embryo, and nurse cell dumping. Mech. Dev. 109, 137-150.
BOWNES, M., FRENCH, V. (2001) The development of the egg and early embryo of Drosophila. In Encyclopaedia of Genetics. The Encyclopaedia of Genetics (ed. E.C.R. Reeve), Fitzroy Dearborn Publishers, London, Chicago, pp 163-171
BOWNES, M., PATHIRANA, S. (2002) The yolk proteins of higher Diptera. Reproductive Biology of Invertebrates: Vol XII, Recent Progress in Vitellogenesis. (eds K.G.Adiyodi and R.G. Adiyodi (Series Editors); A.S. Raikhel and T.W. Sappington (Volume Editors) Science Publishers, Inc., Enfield (NH) pp. 103-130.
BOWNES, M. (2004) The regulation of yolk protein gene expression and vitellogenesis in higher Diptera. In Reproductive Biology of Invertebrates: Vol XII, Recent Progress in Vitellogenesis. (eds K.G.Adiyodi and R.G. Adiyodi (Series Editors); A.S. Raikhel and T.W. Sappington (Volume Editors) Science Publishers, Inc., Enfield (NH)
TZOLOVSKY, G., MILLO, H., PATHIRANA, S., WOOD, T. BOWNES, M. (2002) Identification and phylogenetic analysis of Drosophila melanogaster myosins. Mol. Biol. Evol. 19, 1041-1052.
BOWNES, M., HURD, H., BUSGEN, T., SERVAY, D., ALVIS, S., POPOVIC, B., BRUCE, S., BURNS, I., ROTHWELL, K., WALKINSHAW, M. (2002) Drosophila yolk protein produced in E. coli is accumulated by mosquito ovaries. Insect Mol. Biol. 11, 487-496.
HUTSON, S.F., BOWNES, M. (2003) The regulation of yp3 expression in the Drosophila melanogaster fat body. Dev. Genes Evol. 213, 1-8
G RUNTENKO N.?., CHENTSOVA N.A., ANDREENKOVA E.V., BOWNES M., SEGAL D., ADONYEVA N.V., RAUSCHENBACH I.YU. (2003) Stress response in a juvenile hormone deficient Drosophila melanogaster mutant apterous 56f. Insect Mol. Biol. 12(4), 353-63.
GRUNTENKO, N., BOWNES, M., TERASHIMA, J., SUKHANOVA M.ZH., RAUSHENBACH, I.YU. (2003) Heat stress affects oogenesis differently in wild type and in a Drosophila virilis mutant with altered juvenile hormone and 20-hydroxyecdysone levels. Insect Mol Biol. 12: 393-404.
RAUSHENBACH, I.Y., BOWNES, M., GRUNTENKO N.E., ADONIEVA N.V., TERASHIMA, J., KARPOVA, E.K., FADDEEVAA, N.V., CHENTSOVA N.A. (2004) The role of juvenile hormone in the control of reproductive function in Drosophila virilis under nutritional stress, J Insect. Physiol. 50: 323-30
TERASHIMA, J., BOWNES, M. (2004) Translating available food into the number of eggs laid by Drosophila melanogaster. Genetics 2004 167: 1711-1719.
MILLO, H., LEAPER, K., LAZOU V., BOWNES, M. (2004) Myosin VI plays a role in cell-cell adhesion during epithelial morphogenesis. Mechanisms of Development 121: 1335-1351.
TERASHIMA, J., BOWNES, M. (2005) A microarray analysis of genes involved in relating egg production to nutritional intake in Drosophila melanogaster. Cell Death Differ. 12(5):429-40.
YU, F., WANG, H., QIAN, H., KAUSHIK, R., BOWNES, M., YANG, X., and CHIA, W. (2005) Locomotion defects, together with Pins, regulates heterotrimeric G proteins signaling during Drosophila neuroblast asymmetric divisions. Genes & Development 19:1341-1353.
TERASHIMA, J., TAKAKI, K., SAKURAI, S., and BOWNES, M. (2005) Nutritional status affects 20-hydroxyecdysone concentration and progression of oogenesis in Drosophila melanogaster Journal of Endocrinology 187, 69-79.
PAPADIA, S., TZOLOVSKY, G., ZHAO, D., LEAPER, K., CLYDE, D., TAYLOR, P., ASSCHER, E., KIRK, G., AND BOWNES, M. (2005) EMC has a role in dorsal appendage fate formation in Drosophila oogenesis. Mechanisms of Development. 122 961-974.
TERASHIMA, J., BOWNES, M. (2006) E75A AND E75B have opposite effects on the apoptosis/development choice of the Drosophila egg chamber. Cell Death and Differentiation 13, 454-464.
McGURK, L., TZOLOVSKY, G., SPEARS, N., BOWNES, M. (2006) The Temporal and spatial expression pattern of Myosin Va, Vb and VI in the mouse ovary. Gene Expression Patterns 6, 900-907
MILLO, H, and BOWNES, M. (2007) The expression pattern and cellular localisation of Myosin VI during the Drosophila melanogaster life cycle. Gene Expression Patterns 7, 501-510
LIN, S., ZHAO, D. and BOWNES, M. (2007) Blood vessel/epicardial substance (BVES) expression, essential for embryonic development, is down regulated by GRK/EFGR signalling. Int. J. Dev. Biol. 51, 37-44
GRUNTENKO NE, KARPOVA EK, ALEKSEEV AA, CHENTSOVA NA, BOGOMOLOVA EV, BOWNES M, RAUSCHENBACH IYU. (2007) Effects of octopamine on reproduction, juvenile hormone metabolism, dopamine and 20-hydroxyecdysone contents in Drosophila. Arch Insect Biochem Physiol. 65:8594
RAUSCHENBACH IYU, CHENTSOVA NA, ALEKSEEV AA, GRUNTENKO N, ADONYEVA NV, KARPOVA EK, KOMAROVA TN, VASILIEV VG, BOWNES M. (2007). Dopamine and octopamine regulate 20-hydroxyecdysone level in vivo in Drosophila. Arch Insect Biochem Physiol. 65:95102
LEEANNE MCGURK, STEPHEN PATHIRANA, KATHLEEN ROTHWELL, THORSTEN TRIMBUCH, PAOLO COLOMBINI, FENGWEI YU, WILLIAM CHIA AND MARY BOWNES (2008). The RGS gene loco is essential for male reproductive system differentiation in Drosophila melanogaster. BMC Developmental Biology 8:37
For full information please note I am registered on Research Gate.
General Publications - Examples
BOWNES, M., MATHER-L HUILLIER, N., WATSON, D. (2010). University of Edinburgh. A Scottish Perspective in an International Context – Objectives of Joint Doctoral Programmes and Challenges for their Development. Paper on Joint Programmes at Doctoral Level. The University of Edinburgh.
HODGE, A., BOWNES, M. GURGESS, R. CHAMBAZ, J. DODSON, E. JOHNES, G. LOVING, C. MCVITTY, D. O’CARROLL, C.RITCHIE, E. Review of progress in implementing the recommendations by Sir Gareth Roberts, regarding employability and career development of PhD students (2010) Research Councils UK)
HAMILTON, K., BARFOOT, J., CRAWFORD, K., SIMPSON, C., BEAUMONT, C., BOWNES, M. Amplification of chloroplast DNA using the polymerase chain reaction (PCR): a practical activity for secondary school students. Journal of Biological Education, Volume 40, Issue 4. 2006.
BOWNES, M, LAWRIE R. Where Can I Get Funding? In: The Postgraduate’s Companion, editors Hall, G. and Longman, J. SAGE Publications; 2008.
BOWNES, M. (2011) Getting Engaged. HR & Training Journal, Issue 10 Summer 2011.
HOWELL, R, BOWNES, M, WISDAHL, M, FARTHING, J, SOMERVELL, D: OurEd: Creating an online social responsibility and sustainability community, Sustainability Conference 2012, Vancouver.
HIGGINS, P., NICOL, R., SOMERVELL, D. AND BOWNES, M,. The student experience: campus, curriculum, communities and transition at the University of Edinburgh. In S. Sterling & L. Maxey (Eds.). The Sustainable University. (pp. February 2013). Taylor and Francis. (pr).
THOMPSON, S., TURNER, J., BOWNES, M., Researchers leading their own tailored education. QPR 2010 9th Quality in Postgraduate Research Conference, Adelaide, South Australia. 13-15 April 2010.
GRIER, J., BOWNES, M. Private Giving, Public Good: The Impact of Philanthropy at the University of Edinburgh. The University of Edinburgh Press 2014 (218 pages)
GRIER, J., BOWNES, M. Digging Up our Past – The Archaeological Excavations in Old College Quad At the University of Edinburgh. University of Edinburgh 2016 (34 pages)