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Name Role Business unit(s)
Alexandra Lorson Open Research Facilitator
Alexandra Lorson (AFHEA) PhD Linguistics & English Language
Bettelou Los Professor
Matt Loten
Mathilde Lotteau
Dr Felicity Loughlin Lecturer in the History of Modern Christianity
Steve Loughnan Professor
Christina Loukopoulou Clinical Support Worker
Professor Jason Love Professor of Molecular Inorganic Chemistry and Head of School of Chemistry
Christine Love-Rodgers College Lead for Library Academic Support (CAHSS) and Academic Support Librarian (Divinity, EFI)
Helene Lovell Teaching Fellow
Caitlin Low Equine Stable Hand
John M Low PhD Researcher - Pathways to decarbonising heat and transport in Scotland using hydrogen
Shona Low Biobank Midwife
Alexandra Lowe Undergraduate Student Support Officer
David Lowe Research Computing Infrastructure Officer
Helen Lowe
Josh Lowe Data translation and communications programme manager
Nicola Lowe Contracts Administrator