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Rachael Lowe HDR UK Scotland Research Programme Coordinator | Content Officer
Mr Walter Lowe Campus Health and Safety Assistant
Erfan Loweimi Research Fellow (Machine Learning)
Sally Lowell
Emily Lowndes PhD Student
Suzanne Lowrie Histology Technician
Matthew Lowry Clinical Research Fellow
James Loxley Professor of Early Modern Literature
Simon Loynes British Academy Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr Hang Lu Associate Tutor
Hongjin Lu
Lu Lu Career Track Fellow
Siting (Estée) Lu
Yiwei Lu
Duo Luan Lecturer in Chinese Studies, Head of Chinese Language
Jade Lucas
Matthew Lucas Widening Participation Officer (Schools Partnerships)
Noemie Lucas Research Fellow in Abbasid Fiscal History and Historiography
Mark Lucherini Teaching Fellow
Prof Michelle Luciano Personal Chair of Behavioural Genetics