Bettelou Los


  • Linguistics and English Language
  • School of Philosophy, Psychology and Language Sciences

Contact details



Room 2.07, Dugald Stewart Building

3 Charles Street, Edinburgh
Post code

Undergraduate teaching

For 2018-2019, I am convener of the pre-honours course LEL2A (Linguistic Theory and the Structure of English, LASC08017), teach the honours courses LASC10021 Historical Linguistics (Diachronic Linguistics for MSC) and LASC10080: Early Germanic Dialects. I also contribute to the pre-honours course  LEL2C: English in Time and Space.

No set office hours; you are free to come and see me on spec (if my door is open I am disturbable), and you can of course always ask for an appointment by email.

Open to PhD supervision enquiries?


Areas of interest for supervision

I can supervise PhD projects in the history of English (Old, Middle and Early Modern English) and early Germanic languages. I am particularly interested in how syntax interacts with discourse and information structure.

Current PhD students supervised

Research summary

Historical syntax, early Germanic, Old English, history of English, Information Structure/Discourse Structure

Current research interests

My present research interest is the role of information structure and discourse in syntactic change.

Past research interests

The genesis of non-finite forms (particularly the to-infinitive in English) and phrasal verbs.

Affiliated research centres