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Name Role Business unit(s)
Aneta Luczak-Stecura Research Technician
Emily Lüdecke Research Assistant
Morgan Ludington (PhD student)
Ineke Luijten Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Jillian Luke
Miss Nicola Luke Anaesthesia Nurse
Yulia Lukyanova PhD Psychology
Donna Lumsden Planning and Resource Officer
Margaret-Anne Lumsden Easter Bush Campus Operations and Services
Peter Lumsden Animal Care Assistant
Diana Luna Buitrago
Amanda Lund Service Manager
Helen Lunden Teaching Fellow
Shihao Luo
Dr Peter Lurz UoE Honorary staff
Professor Paul Lusby Professor of Supramolecular Chemistry
Adean Lutton PA to the Dean of Undergraduate Medicine and Collaborations Administrator
Saturnino Luz Professor of Digital Biomarkers and Precision Medicine
Prof Samantha Lycett Personal Chair in Pathogen Phylodynamics
Fanny Lyet - Teaching Fellow French