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Name Role Business unit(s)
Dr Colin Mclean Senior Research Fellow in Data Science and Health Economics
Gordon McLean IRR Chief Operations Officer
Steven McLean
Sandra McLeish EB Pathology Secretary/Sample Coordinator
Mark McLeister 馬駿馳 Lecturer in Chinese Studies
Steve McLeister Senior Teaching Fellow in Geography Education
Diane Mclellan Braille Tutor (SSC)
Ms Jennifer Mclellan Stablehand
Lucy McLennan Graduate Research Practitioner
Ross McLennan Clinical Research Funding Specialist
Jennifer McLeod Animal Care Assistant
Kate McLeod Digital Communications Assistant
Konstanze McLeod German Language Tutor
Nikki McLeod Registered Veterinary Nurse
Pauline McLeod Senior Human Resources Advisor
Wilson McLeod Professor of Gaelic
Lauren McLeron Behaviour Change Programme Manager
Maria McMahon Social Media Manager
Sean McMahon Reader
Dawn McManus Student Advisor