Gordon McLean
IRR Chief Operations Officer

Contact details
- Tel: 0131 651 9636 (PA)
- Email: G.McLean@ed.ac.uk
- Street
Centre for Regenerative Medicine
Institute for Regeneration and Repair
The University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh BioQuarter
5 Little France Drive - City
- Edinburgh
- Post code
- EH16 4UU
Dr McLean obtained his PhD from the University of Glasgow, Medical Research Council Virology Unit where he investigated the mechanisms of viral DNA replication. Following Post-doctoral research at the University of Connecticut Health Centre, USA, he was appointed a senior scientist at the Cancer Research UK, Beatson Institute for Cancer Research in Glasgow where he worked for 10 years investigating the mechanisms involved in the invasion and metastatic spread of cancer cells. In 2003 he obtained an MBA with distinction from the University of Strathclyde Business School and was subsequently appointed to manage operations at the Centre for Reproductive Biology at the University of Edinburgh. Dr McLean moved to his present post in 2007 to work alongside Prof Sir Ian Wilmut in establishing the new MRC Centre for Regenerative Medicine. Through his leadership of a team of professional managers Dr McLean has overall management responsibility for all operations and administration in CRM.