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Name Role Business unit(s)
Dr Laura McWhirter Consultant Neuropsychiatrist and Clinical Research Fellow
Gillian Mead Professor of Stroke and Elderly Care Medicine
Ms Vanessa Meadu Communication and Knowledge Exchange Specialist
Dr Songül Mecit Teaching Fellow Islamic and Middle Eastern Studies
Professor Simone Meddle Personal Chair of Behavioural Neuroendocrinology
Dr Táhcita Medrado Mizael Teaching Fellow in Clinical Psychology
Joy Medvecky DDI Reporting Lead
Stella Medvedeva
Alexander Medvinsky Professor in Haematopoietic Stem Cell Biology
Dr James Meehan Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Professor Richard Meehan Group Leader
Rory Meehan Learning and Teaching Adminisrator
Rev. Craig Meek
Dr Stephen Meek Research Fellow
Alicia Megia-Fernandez
Felicity Vidya Mehendale Senior Lecturer
Alap Mehta Data Scientist
Xin Mei
Alex Meier PhD Student
Dr Rozanna Meijboom Post-doctoral research fellow