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Name Role Business unit(s)
Malcolm Finlayson Developer
Dr Maureen Finn Director of STEP
Abigail Finnegan Teaching Fellow in Counselling and Psychotherapy
David Finnegan
Isobel Finnie Teaching Fellow in Art Education; Academic Cohort Lead PGDE (Secondary); SFHEA
Louise Finnie Financial Systems Support/Development
Anne Finucane Marie Curie Senior Research Fellow
Erminia Fiorentino PhD Psychology
Gülay Firatli
Jennie Firth Philosophy Management Team Executive Assistant
Andressa Fisch Vector and Vector Borne Disease Biology Researcher
Carla Fischer
Olivia Fischer
Alexandra N. Fisher Lecturer
Ben Fisher PhD Student
Miss Claire Fisher General Practice Veterinary Surgeon
Paul Fitch IRR Business Manager
Professor Ross Fitzgerald Personal Chair of Molecular Bacteriology
Siobhan Fitzgerald
Dr Stephen Fitzgerald Research Fellow