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Name Role Business unit(s)
Ms Helen Ferguson Veterinary Sterile Service Assistant
Sean Ferguson Stipendiary Fellow
Professor David Fergusson Honorary Professorial Fellow
Holly Fergusson Diagnostic Radiographer
Natalie Fergusson Global Alumni Manager
Ines Ferjan PhD Student Classics
Dr Valentina C. Ferlito Teaching Fellow & Teaching Assistant
Genevie Fernandes Research Fellow in Global Health Governance and Respiratory
Dr Lisa Fernandes Programme Director: MSc Inclusive Education / Lecturer in Inclusive Education
Anxela Fernandez Alonso Head of Languages for All
Ana Fernandez Gallego Resident in Small Animal Internal Medicine and DVetMed Postgraduate Student
Cristina Fernandez Rivas
Ana Fernández Rodríguez Spanish Short Courses Coordinator and Teaching Fellow
Vanessa Fernandez Vidueira (PhD student)
Professor Manuel Fernández-Götz Abercromby Professor of Archaeology
Marisa da Fonseca Ferreira ECAT (Edinburgh Clinical Academic Track) Veterinary Clinical Lecturer, ECAT-Plus/Wellcome Trust PhD for Clinicians Training Fellow
Susana Ferreira Course Organiser and Design Tutor
Sofia Ferreira Gonzalez Postdoc
Cherry Ferrier Communications Manager
Rhona Ferrier Veterinary Referral Coordinator