Karen Fairhurst |
Professor of Student Learning in Primary Care |
Morag Fairlie |
Projects and Quality Officer |
Aisling Fairweather |
PhD Student |
- Centre for Regenerative Medicine
- Institute for Regeneration and Repair
Ewan Fairweather |
Postgraduate Recruitment Manager |
UOE Student |
Chrystala Fakonti |
Dr Omolabake Fakunle |
Senior Lecturer, Chancellor's Fellow |
- Moray House School of Education and Sport
- Institute for Education, Community and Society (IECS)
Daniele Falcioni |
Teaching Fellow |
- Italian Section
- Department of European Languages and Cultures
- School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Julie Falconer |
Chief Information Officer, Innovative Healthcare Delivery Programme |
- Usher Institute
- Farr Institute
Prof Kiterie Faller |
MRC Clinician Scientist Fellow / Professor of Comparative Neurology |
- Centre for Discovery Brain Sciences
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
- Neurology and Neurosurgery
Federico Falletti |
Marie Fallon |
St Columba’s Hospice Chair of Palliative Medicine |
- Institute of Genetics and Cancer
Frank Fan |
Yahui Fan |
Yichu Fan |
PhD Philosophy |
Giulia Fanesi |
Hao Fang - PhD Student |
Jieqiong Fang |
Locality, Nationality and Buddhism in Hangzhou, 1949-present |
Ziyao Fang |
Martin Farias |
PhD Student |
- Archive of music for the stage in Chile
- Academia.Edu