Dr Nikki Smith |
Research Fellow |
- The Roslin Institute
- Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Dr Paula Smith |
Deputy Programme Director |
Peter Smith |
Peter Smith |
Research Technician |
Robert Smith |
Teaching Lab Technician |
Rona Smith |
Deputy Secretary, Governance and Strategic Planning |
Scott Smith |
Teaching Fellow in English for Academic Purposes |
- Centre for Open Learning
- English Language Education
Sharon Smith |
Client Accounts Assistant Veterinary Clinical Services |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Simon J Smith |
Computing and Applications Support |
Dr Steph Smith |
Lecturer |
- Global Academy of Agriculture and Food Systems
Stephen Smith |
IT Service Manager |
Vivien Smith |
Director of Professional Services, Molecular, Genetic and Population Health Sciences |
Dr William C Smith |
Senior Lecturer in Education and International Development & Director of Internationalisation |
- Moray House School of Education and Sport
- Institute for Education, Community & Society (IECS)
- MSc CEID Programme
- CEID Research Group
Tom Smith-Zaitlik |
PHD Student |
Rachael Smithson |
Undergraduate Recruitment Manager (UK/EU) |
Karen Smyth |
Deputy Director, SEBI |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
- Supporting Evidence-Based Interventions (SEBI)
Paul Smyth |
Learning Technology Team Manager |
- Educational Design and Engagement Team Blog
- Learn Service
Rebecca Smyth |
Dr Hilary Snaith |
Development Manager of Edinburgh Infectious Diseases |
- Edinburgh Infectious Diseases
- Hosts, Pathogens and Global Health PhD programme
- One Health Models of Disease PhD programme
- Fleming Fund Fellowship Schemes
Ms Eva Snedden |
Student Support and Experience Administrator |
- School of History, Classics and Archaeology