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Name Role Business unit(s)
Professor Daniel Smith Chair of Psychiatry and Head of Division of Psychiatry
Professor David Smith Deputy Head of College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences (CAHSS)
Dr Harriet Smith Postdoctoral Research Associate
Dr Heidi Smith Lecturer in Outdoor and Environmental Education
Dr Jacqueline Smith Group Leader/Senior Research Fellow
Jamie Smith
Jamie Smith
Jamie B Smith
Jasmine Smith Farm Vet
Jennifer Smith Service Manager (Website Services)
Dr Julie Smith Director of Quality Assurance and Enhancement / Co-Head of Institute Education, Community and Society
Kayleigh Smith PhD Psychology
Kenny Smith Professor
Laura Smith Marketing and Communications Administrator
Lauren N Smith Teaching Office Administrator
Lauren Smith Digital Support Librarian
Marion Smith Lectureship in Health and Society
Martin Smith Professor
Melanie Smith Student Support Development Officer
Nikki Smith Radiographer