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Name Role Business unit(s)
Ben Brown
Carolyn Brown Contracts Support Officer
Miss Claire Brown Lead Programme Administrator (Archaeology)
Clarinda Brown Research Impact and Engagement Manager
Craig J. Brown PhD Student - Archaeology
Dr David Brown Estates and Technical Manager
Mrs Deborah Brown
Fiona Brown Academic Support Librarian (Veterinary Medicine, Roslin Institute and Biological Sciences) and College Lead for Library Academic Support (CSE)
Gemma Brown Lecturer in Clinical Psychology
Dr Helen Brown Core Scientist (Statisician)
James Brown PhD Philosophy
Dr Jane Brown Honorary Fellow
Kezia Brown HCP-Med E-Learning Lead, HCP-Med Curriculum Lead, HCP-Med Year 3 Director, Body in Motion Module Co-Lead, Transitions Module Lead
Laura Brown Veterinary Nurse - Emergency and Critical Care
Lorna Brown Centre Manager
Nancy Thomas Brown
Mr Neil Brown Computing Officer
Niamh Brown
Dr Pamela Brown Manager Biomolecular core
Renay Brown EB Pathology Secretary/Sample Coordinator