Nancy Thomas Brown

Thesis title: An Ethnographic Study of Language and Music as Cultural Tools to Enhance the Social Connectivity in a Virtual Community of Persons with Moderate to Advanced Dementia


I have a multidisciplinary background with a B.A. and M.A. in Religion and Culture from Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA, USA; and, postgraduate work in Modern European History at the University of Colorado-Boulder.  In 2003, my husband and I moved to Israel where I began to work for MELABEV, a non-profit providing day centres for older people with various levels of cognitive impairment.   My areas of responsibility include designing, organising, and implementing the daily, therapeutic, person-centred activities for clients in the moderate to advanced stages of dementia.   

As a practitioner-researcher, my ethnographic research project has been inspired by my 18-year experiential perspective of having created a living laboratory within this English-speaking day centre in Jerusalem for the elderly with moderate to severe cognitive impairment.  My interests lie in the importance of the day centre, its built environment (physical and cultural) and the key roles both play in the areas of agency, social cohesion, social connectivity and engagement, and aging in place among an immigrant population living with advanced dementia.  Since COVID-19, my research interest has expanded to the use of technology and the development of virtual communities to engage persons with dementia in activities to alleviate social isolation.  


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B.A. (Religion);  M.A. (Religion and Culture);  ABD (Modern European History)

Certified Validation Teacher (Validation Training Institute, 

Certified Instructor: NCCAP (National Certification Council for Activity Professionals)

Responsibilities & affiliations

The Validation method developed by Naomi Feil informs all my interactions with clients (and those of my staff) on a daily basis, and is an integral part of the cultural built environment that provides the space and safety for all forms of social interactions and self-expression.  Validation incorporates: (1) a positive, supportive, and multidisciplinary care with (2) a behavioural staging model of cognitive impairment, and (3) stage-specific communication techniques both for one-to-one and group interactions.  Validation techniques are applicable to a variety of client-staff interactions.  

Deputy Director for Communications, Validation Training Institute (

ECRED:  Edinburgh Centre for Research of the Experience of Dementia (

Executive Committee, Alzheimer's Association International--Non-Pharmacological Interventions Professional Interest Area  (Communications Chair)  (


Research summary

An Ethnographic Study of Language and Music as Cultural Tools to Enhance the Social Connectivity in a Virtual Community of Persons with Moderate to Advanced Dementia

Current research interests

Embodied selfhood, Social Connectivity, Cultural Identity for persons living with moderate to advanced dementia Use of interactive technology such as Zoom to connect older adults living with dementia in order to minimise social isolation Family caregiver and professional staff resilience and education. Effect of Validation techniques of eye contact and touch using technology-assisted measurements of emotional status through facial expression evaluation and/or biomarkers

Affiliated research centres

Project activity

1.  MELABEV research team developed a game for maintaining functionality of daily activities for persons with dementia, funded by the Israeli Ministry of Science.   We are currently evaluating  the impact of playing the game on social connectivity and emotional intelligence among persons with moderate cognitive impairment. 2.  Use of rhythmic movement with culturally appropriate music and its impact on hand grip and stand up scores of persons with moderate dementia 3.  Common eating difficulties in persons with moderate dementia during mealtime 4.  Developing educational program for increasing resilience in family caregivers of persons with dementia, particularly using Validation method techniques

Conference details

Validation First World Congress (February 2022)   Presented:  Skill Building Blocks:  Asynchronous Online Learning through Interactive Thematic Instruction

International Academic Forum Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media, and Culture (December 2021)   Presented:  “Music Gives Me Words”: Enhancing Dementia Care through Zoom— Cultural Engagement with Music during the Corona Pandemic”

Alzheimer’s Europe (November 2021)    Presented:  “Enhancing Dementia Care during the Corona Pandemic: Zooming from Home”

International Federation on Aging  (November 2021)   Presented: “Narrowing the Digital Divide during the Corona Pandemic: Creating a Zoom Virtual Community from Home”

Alzheimer’s Association International Conference (July 2021)   Presented:  “Enhancing Dementia Care during the Corona Pandemic: Creating a Zoom Virtual Community from Home”

Alzheimer’s Disease International Conference  (December 2020)   Presented:  “Moving Research Online: Creating Engagement in a Virtual Club Environment for Persons with Moderate to Advanced Cognitive Impairment”

Israel Gerontological Conference (February 2020)     Poster Presentation:  Rethinking Person-Centered Care: The Pathway to Validation

European Validation Association Conference, Reims, France  (Fall 2018)   Presented:  “Enhancing Research:  Validation Assists in Improving Game Testing Performance”


Papers delivered

Validation First World Congress   (February 2022) Presented: Skill Building Blocks: Asynchronous Online Learning through Interactive Thematic Instruction

International Academic Forum Barcelona Conference on Arts, Media, and Culture  (December 2021) Presented: “Music Gives Me Words”: Enhancing Dementia Care through Zoom— Cultural Engagement with Music during the Corona Pandemic”

Alzheimer’s Europe   (November 2021) Presented: “Enhancing Dementia Care during the Corona Pandemic: Zooming from Home”

International Federation on Aging    (November 2021) Presented: “Narrowing the Digital Divide during the Corona Pandemic: Creating a Zoom Virtual Community from Home”

Alzheimer’s Association International Conference   (July 2021)                                                                                                                                                                                            Presented: “Enhancing Dementia Care during the Corona Pandemic: Creating a Zoom Virtual Community from Home”

Alzheimer’s Disease International Conference    (December 2020) Presented: “Moving Research Online: Creating Engagement in a Virtual Club Environment for Persons with Moderate to Advanced Cognitive Impairment”

Israel Gerontological Conference   (February 2020) Poster Presentation:   Rethinking Person-Centered Care: The Pathway to Validation

European Validation Association Conference, Reims, France   (Fall 2018)                                                                                                                                                                        Presented:  “Enhancing Research: Validation Training Assists in Improving Game Testing Performance”