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Name Role Business unit(s)
Jill Bruce Senior Development Officer (Research)
Lorraine Bruce Senior Research Technician
Rachel Bruce Philanthropy Manager, College of Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences
Prof Tom Bruce Dean International - Students
Yamila Bruce Staffing Administrator
Samantha Bruce-benjamin
Anne-Laure Brugnon Tutor in French and Francophone Studies
Lauren Bruha
A. Sophie Brumm Postdoctoral Research Associate
Dylan Brunton
Keith Brunton Application Developer
Val Brunton Chair of Cancer Therapeutics
Sophie Bryan Programme and Student Support Adviser
Micaela Bryant EB Staffing Administrator
Emma Bryce
Susan Brydon Personal Assistant to the Director of Strategic Planning and Insight and Team Assistant, Strategic Planning
Katarzyna Bryk Administrator (Widening Participation)
Dr Karen Bryson Research Fellow
Adam Buchalik CMS Support Assistant and User Tester
Kyle Buchan