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Roger Brown Senior Clinical Lecturer
Rosemary Brown
Ruth Harriet Brown Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Dr Sally Brown Senior Lecturer
Samantha Brown Academic Administrator
Dr Sarah Brown Senior Research Fellow (Core Scientist)
Dr Sarah Brown Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Mrs Sharon Brown Named Veterinary Surgeon
Simon Brown Research Fellow
Sophie Brown Equine Client Care and Referral Coordinator
Dr Stefania Brown BHF Postdoctoral Research Fellow
Professor Stewart J Brown Professor Emeritus of Ecclesiastical History
Tamara Brown Research Fellow
Dr Tom Brown Honorary Fellow; Early MedievalHistory
Alberto Brown
Dr Emily Brownell Senior Lecturer
Elizabeth Brownsell Ovarian Cancer Database Manager (Edinburgh Cancer Informatics)
Alicia Bruce Teaching Fellow
David Bruce Forest and Peatland Land Manager
Jill Bruce Senior Development Officer (Research)