Dr Stefania Brown

BHF Postdoctoral Research Fellow


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PhD  in Neuroscience (2003) Faculty of Medicine, University of Naples, Italy

Laurea in Biological Science (Phisiopathology) 5 years, University of Naples Federico II, (1996).

Responsibilities & affiliations

First Aider

Peer Reviewed and Published

1. S Piscopo, ER Brown (2018) Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and VoltageGated Human Kv11.1 Potassium Channels Interact through a Novel Mechanism. Small 14 (15), 1703403.

2. A Frolli, S Piscopo, M Conson (2015) Developmental changes in cognitive and behavioural functioning of adolescents with Fragile-X syndrome. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research. Jul;59(7):613-21.

3. ER Brown, S Piscopo (2013) Synaptic plasticity in cephalopods; more than just learning and memory? Invertebrate Neuroscience, 1-10 e pub.

4. M Eyman, C Cefaliello, P Mandile, S Piscopo, M Crispino, A Giuditta (2013) Training old rats selectively modulates synaptosomal protein synthesis. Journal of Neuroscience Research 91 (1), 20-29.

5. ER Brown, S Piscopo (2011) Ion channels in key marine invertebrates; their diversity and potential for applications in biotechnology Biotechnology Advances 29: 467457.

6. A Nishino, Y Okamura, S Piscopo, E Brown (2010) A glycine receptor is involved in the organization of swimming movements in an invertebrate chordate BMC Neuroscience 11 (1), 6.

7. S Piscopo (2009) Sleep and its possible role in learning: a phylogenetic view. Frontiers in Bioscience (Scholar edition) 1, 437-447.

8. S Piscopo, F Moccia, C Di Cristo, L Caputi, A Di Cosmo, ER Brown (2007) Pre-and postsynaptic excitation and inhibition at octopus optic lobe photoreceptor terminals; implications for the function of the ‘presynaptic bags’ European Journal of Neuroscience 26 (8), 2196-2203.

9. L Zanetti, F Ristoratore, M Francone, S Piscopo, ER Brown (2007) Primary cultures of nervous system cells from the larva of the ascidian Ciona intestinalis. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 165 (2), 191-197.

10. ER Brown, S Piscopo, JT Chun, M Francone, I Mirabile, A D’Aniello (2007) Modulation of an AMPA-like glutamate receptor (SqGluR) gating by L-and D-aspartic acids Amino acids 32 (1), 53-57. 5

11. ER Brown, S Piscopo, R De Stefano, A Giuditta (2006) Brain and behavioural evidence for rest-activity cycles in Octopus vulgaris. Behavioural Brain Research 172 (2), 355-359.

12. S Piscopo, RD Stefano, MC Thorndyke, ER Brown (2005) Alteration and recovery of appetitive behaviour following nerve section in the starfish Asterias rubens. Behavioural Brain Research 164 (1), 36-41.

13. P Mandile, A Giuditta, F Romano, P Montagnese, S Piscopo, M Cotugno, S Vescia (2003) Waking EEG power spectra in the rat: correlations with training performance. Cognitive Brain Research 17 (1), 94-105.

14. A Giuditta, P Mandile, P Montagnese, S Piscopo, S Vescia (2003) The Role of Sleep in Memory Processing: the Sequential Hypothesis Sleep and Brain Plasticity 1 (9), 157-179.

15. S Piscopo, P Mandile, P Montagnese, M Cotugno, A Giuditta, S Vescia (2001) Trains of sleep sequences are indices of learning capacity in rats Behavioural Brain Research 120 (1), 13-21.

16. S Piscopo, P Mandile, P Montagnese, M Cotugno, A Giuditta, S Vescia (2001) Identification of trains of sleep sequences in adult rats. Behavioural Brain Research 119 (1), 93-101.

17. P Mandile, S Vescia, P Montagnese, S Piscopo, M Cotugno, A Giuditta (2000) Post-trial sleep sequences including transition sleep are involved in avoidance learning of adult rats. Behavioural Brain Research 112 (1-2), 23-31.

18. S Piscopo, P Mandile, P Montagnese, A Giuditta, S Vescia (1999) Sleep sequences in large temporal units (trains) identify improved indices of learning capacity in rats Sleep Res. Online 2, 238.

Publications: Book Chapters

19. ER Brown & S Piscopo (2009) “ Considerations for the use of “rapid” cell superfusion and voltage clamp to investigate the role of rare amino acids in synaptic transmission”. In D-Amino Acids: D-Amino Acids: Practical Methods and Protocols Vol. II - Editors: R. Konno, H. Brückner, A. D'Aniello, G. Fisher, N. Fujii, and H. Homma. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, New York, U.S.A. (updated reprinting). 6

20. ER Brown & S Piscopo (2006) “ Considerations for the use of “rapid” cell superfusion and voltage clamp to investigate the role of rare amino acids in synaptic transmission”. In D-Amino Acids: A New Frontier in Amino Acid and Protein Research -Practical Methods and Protocols- Editors: R. Konno, H. Brückner, A. D'Aniello, G. Fisher, N. Fujii, and H. Homma. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, New York, U.S.A.

21. A Giuditta, P Mandile, P Montagnese, S Piscopo & S Vescia (2001) "The role of sleep in memory processing: the sequential hypothesis". In “Sleep and brain plasticity” Edited by Maquet P., Smith C., Stickgold R. Section II (Animal Behaviour) chapter 8: 157-178. Oxford University Press.

Publications: Published Meetings abstracts

1. Piscopo S. & Brown ER “Direct nanoparticle -protein interactions revealed using the hERG potassium channel as a target for the screening of the environmental and cytotoxic effects of engineered nanoparticles” – AISAL Meeting “Biomaterial in medicine and animal models”, Congress Center, University of Naples, Via Partenope, Napoli, Italy.

2. Nwurim G., Piscopo S., Brown ER “From molecules to function: Neurobiology of the Ascidian tadpole larva”. 6th International Tunicate Meeting, 3-7 July 2011, Montreal, Canada.

3. Piscopo S., Amore G., Nwurim G., Selzer N., Cervone C., Brown ER “You only live thrice, the secret life of Ciona intestinalis”. Consiglio Scientifico SZN, 30Sept-1 Oct 2010, Ischia, Napoli, Italy.

4. Piscopo S. “Tracing the path of sleep evolution” during the meeting “Genes at work on time” organized by PROUST 15-17 October 2008, International Labour Organization Training Center, Torino, Italy.

5. Brown ER, Piscopo S. ,Nishino A, Okamura Y. “Frank homologies between invertebrate and vertebrate chordates revealed through the neurophysiology of swimming in Ciona tadpoles” II scientific meeting of the Italian Ascidiologists, 30 June – 1 July 2008, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy.

6. Brown ER, Piscopo S. “Evolution of glutamate receptors; focus on non-vertebrate chordates”. 27-30 September 2007 Congresso SINS 2007, Verona, Italy.

7. Piscopo S., Brown ER. “ Function of cephalopod glutamate receptors in plastic and non -plastic synapses”. ‘Electrochemical Signaling by Membrane Proteins Biodiversity and principle’. 14-16 March 2007, Okazaki Congress Center. Okazaki, Japan. 

8. Piscopo S., Branno M., D’Aniello E., Francone M., Brown ER. (2006) “ Photoreceptors in a “primitive” chordate (ascidian) are “off”-type”. “5th Forum of European Neuroscience” organized by FENS, 8-12 july 2006, Vienna, Austria.

9. Brown ER., Idris MM & Piscopo S. (2006) “Ciona intestinalis: towards a functional neurobiological model”. “Incontro Ascidiologi Italiani: Prospettive della ricerca sulle ascidie in Italia: un incontro informale”, 3-4 april 2006, Stazione Zoologica “A.Dohrn”, Napoli, Italy.

10. Brown ER, Piscopo S. (2006) “Locomotion in ascidian larvae: the visceral ganglion, a single “primitive” spinal segment? “5th Forum of European Neuroscience” organized by FENS, 8-12 July 2006, Vienna, Austria.

11. Piscopo S., Langella M., Brown ER. (2006) “Function of cephalopod glutamate receptors in plastic and non plastic synapses”. “Bioscience 2006” 23-27 July 2006, SECC, Glasgow, UK.

12. Brown ER & Piscopo S. (2006) “Glutamate receptors and the control of locomotion in the ascidian larva Ciona intestinalis”. “Bioscience 2006”, 23-27 July 2006, SECC, Glasgow, UK.

13. Piscopo S., Idris MM., Brown ER. “Genes and behaviour in the larva of “Ciona intestinalis" “Marine Genomics, an international conference” 28 october- 1 November 2006, Hilton Sorrento Palace Congress Center, Sorrento, Napoli, Italy.

14. Brown E.R., Idris MM., & Piscopo S. “The neurobiology of “Ciona intestinalis” larvae; coupling genome, function and behavior through glutamate receptors”. “Marine Genomics, an international conference” 28 October- 1 November 2006, Hilton Sorrento Palace Congress Center, Sorrento, Napoli, Italy.

15. Zanetti L., Ristoratore F., Russo M.T., Francone M., Piscopo S., Brown E.R. “ Primary cell cultures from the larva of ascidian Ciona intestinalis”. MGE Exploratory Workshop “Stem Cells in Marine Organisms” 27-28 November 2006, Istituto di Biomedicina e Immunologia Molecolare “Alberto Monroy” Area della Ricerca del CNR di Palermo, Italy.

16. Piscopo S., Zanetti L., Ristoratore F., Francone M., Brown ER., (2005) “Biophysical properties of basal chordate neurons”. National Congress of the Italian Society for Neuroscience and joint Italian-Swedish Neuroscience Meeting, 1-4 October 2005, Lacco Ameno Ischia, Napoli, Italy.

17. Brown ER., Piscopo S. (2005) “Evolution of motor networks, glycine, gaba and glutamate, the strange case of the ascidian ciona intestinalis”. National Congress 8 of the Italian Society for Neuroscience and joint Italian-Swedish Neuroscience Meeting, 1-4 October 2005, Lacco Ameno, Ischia, Napoli, Italy.

18. Eyman M, Crispino M., Ferrara E., Cefaliello C., De Stefano R., Mandile P., Piscopo S and Giuditta A. (2005) “Synaptosomal protein synthesis and synaptosomal mrnas are modulated by training”. National Congress of the Italian Society for Neuroscience and joint Italian-Swedish Neuroscience Meeting, 1-4 October 2005, Lacco Ameno, Ischia, Napoli, Italy.

19. Piscopo S., D’aniello A & Brown ER. (2005) “D- and L-aspartic acid have opposing modulatory actions on L-glutamate induced gating of the ionotropic AMPA-like glutamate receptor SqGluR”. 9th International congress on amino acids and Proteins, 8-12 August 2005, Vienna, Austria.

20. Piscopo S, De Stefano R., Thorndyke M.C. and Brown E.R. (2005) “Alteration and recovery of appetitive behaviour following nerve section in the starfish (Asterias rubens)”. SEB Meeting 10-16 July 2005, Barcelona, Spain.

21. Thorndyke M, Piscopo S, De Stefano R, Brown ER (2003) “Echinoderm Nervous Systems: Diversity, Development & Regeneration”. 11th International Echinoderm Conference Munich, Germany.

22. De Stefano R., Brown E.R., Piscopo S., Giuditta A. (2002) “Identificazione di uno stato di sonno in octopus vulgaris”, Book of abstract (Poster) ), VII Meeting of the Italian Sleep Research Society, Padova, Italy.

23. Giuditta A. , Mandile P., Piscopo S., Vescia S. (2002) “ L’ipotesi sequenziale della funzione del sonno”, Book of abstract (Symposium), VII Meeting of the Italian Sleep Research Society, Padova, Italy.

24. Eyman M, ScottoLavina Z, Crispino M, Piscopo S and Giuditta A. (2002) “Synaptic protein synthesis: modulation by age and training”; Clinical neuropathology 21/3:116. Napoli, Italy.

25. Giuditta A. , Vescia S., Mandile P. and Piscopo S. (2001) "Learning and sleep: the sequential hypothesis". In “Actas de fisiologia”. Vol. 7:43. Ricardo A. Velluti editor. Montevideo, Uruguay.

26. Brown E.R., Benech J.C., Sotelo J.R & Piscopo S. (2001) “Metabotropic glutamate receptors are present on squid optic lobe synaptosomes”. 16th National Meeting British Neuroscience Society book of abstracts, pag. 44. Harrogate, UK.

27. Piscopo S., Mandile P., Montagnese P., Giuditta A. and Vescia S. (1999) “Sleep sequences in large temporal units (trains) identify improved indices of learning 9 capacity in rats”. Sleep Research Online, 2 (Supplement 1): 238. Dresden, Germany.

28. Piscopo S., Mandile P., Montagnese P., Giuditta A, Vescia S. (1997) “ Architecture of baseline sleep and learning capacity of rats”, Book of abstract, II Meeting of the Italian Sleep Research Society. Capri, Napoli, Italy. Invited Seminars, presentations and outreach (mostly in English