Dr Sarah Brown
Postdoctoral Research Fellow

Contact details
- Email: s.brown-32@sms.ed.ac.uk
After graduating from Acadia University, Nova Scotia in 2013 with a B.Sc.Hons in Psychology I commenced my PhD in Clinical Psychology at the University of Edinburgh in 2013 examining the long-term neuropsychological and risk-related outcomes in mentally ill offenders through The State Hospital, Carstairs. I have held research assistant positions at Acadia University, the Manitoba Institute of Child Health, Dalhousie University and most recently the University of Edinburgh helping update the NHS Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services MATRIX.
PhD Candidate, Clinical Psychology, The University of Edinburgh
BSc.Hons., Acadia University
Responsibilities & affiliations
International Association of Forensic Mental Health Services (IAFMHS) - Student Section Treasurer & Fundraising Coordinator
Centre for Applied Developmental Psychology (CADP) - Member
Undergraduate teaching
Guest Lecturer - Identity and Experience in Health
Teaching Assistant - MOOC, The Clinical Psychology of Children and Young People
Course Tutor - Identity and Experience in Health
Course Tutor - Mapping Health and Illness Across Societies
Course Tutor - Applied Developmental Psychopathology
Course Tutor - Social Inequality and Child and Adolescent Mental Health
Course Tutor - Developmental Well-being
Research summary
My research interests include neuropsychology, mentally disordered offenders, forensic psychology, longitudinal methodology and developmental psychopathology.