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Name Role Business unit(s)
John Mullins Personal Chair of Molecular Physiology
Linda Mullins Research Fellow
Willow Mullins Lecturer in Scottish Ethnology
John S. Munayer
Charlotte Munden Postgraduate Administrator
Prof Graciela Muniz Terrera Chair of Ageing, Health and Methods
Catherine Munn User Experience Research Specialist
Professor Pamela Munn Professor Emerita
Dr Susana Muñoz Maniega
Beth Munro Alumni Manager, Engagement
David Munro Research Fellow
Denise Munro Administrative Secretary & Patient and Participant Involvement Coordinator
Emma Munro Research Grants Administrator
Karen Munro Teaching Fellow in Physical Education
Lucy Munro Research Assistant
Marine Munro PA to Professor Ian Kelleher, Chair of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Morag Munro Teaching Office Administrator
Jure Mur Research Fellow
Dorothy Muraya Neriah (PhD student)
Dr Alexander Murdoch Honorary Fellow