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Name Role Business unit(s)
Gillian-F. Mutanga Research Funding Specialist
Francisca Mutapi Professor in Global Health Infection and Immunity, Deputy Co-Director TIBA
Emma Mutch
Professor Nanette Mutrie MBE Professor Emerita
John Mutua
Dr Adrian Muwonge BBSRC Future Leader Fellow
Kevin Myant Chancellor's Fellow - Colorectal stem cell transformation
Dr Nicholas Myers Senior Teaching Fellow
Prof Isla Myers-Smith Chancellor's Fellow, Chair of Climate Change Ecology
Rachel Nabirinde
Omar Naboulsi PhD Linguistics & English Language
Hadeel Naeem PhD Philosophy
Malene Nafisi Research Finance Administrator
Abhijit Nag
Aran Nagendran Senior Lecturer in Veterinary Neurology/Neurosurgery
Ferenc Nagy
Robert Nagy
Arti Nair Deputy Research Finance Manager- UK
Harish Nair Professor of Paediatric Infectious Diseases and Global Health | Co-Head of Centre for Global Health
Nithya Nair