Ach Fatayillah Mursyidi

Thesis title: Islam and Science: Islamic Reconciliation of Darwinian Evolution in Contemporary Indonesia


Ach Fatayillah Mursyidi is a PhD candidate in Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations at the University of Edinburgh. His recent projects cover the issues of religious minorities and the relationship between humans and nature in Indonesia. Prior to that, he worked as a researcher at the Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies at Gadjah Mada University in Indonesia, where he earned his MA. His academic interests include the relationship between Islam and modern science, nature, the state, philosophy, and human rights.


PhD, Islamic Studies and Christian-Muslim Relations, University of Edinburgh

MA, Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies, Gadjah Mada University

BA, Financial Management, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

Responsibilities & affiliations

The secretary of NC Postgraduate Committee, University of Edinburgh

Research Assistant, Center for Religious and Cross-cultural Studies, Gadjah Mada University

Research summary

My current research deals with the traditionalist and modernist Muslim views on evolutionary theory in Indonesia. By bringing local perspectives into an ethnographic framework, this project aims to analyze the theological reconciliation navigated by Nahdlatul Ulama and Muhammadiyah, and how they pass it on to the younger generation through their pedagogical practices.


Current research interests

Ade's research interests revolve around the following themes: Islamic Studies Religion and Modern Science Religion, State, and Politics Religion and Human Rights

Current project grants

The Education Endowment Fund from the Indonesian Minister of Finance

Past project grants

DIKTIS Scholarship from the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs

Invited speaker

2022: The Week of Indonesia and the Netherlands Education and Research, Dutch Embassy in Jakarta

2022: 20th Annual International Conference on Islamic Studies (AICIS), the Indonesian Ministry of Religious Affairs

2021: 3th International Conference on Ushuluddin and Humanities Studies, Walisongo State Islamic University

2021: 3rd Adab-International Conference on Information and Cultural Studies, Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University

2019: 15th Annual CILIS Islamic Studies Postgraduate Conference, Melbourne Law School, University of Melbourne

2019: 7th International Symposium of Jurnal Antrologi Indonesia, Gadjah Mada University

2019: 3rd International Conference on Islamic Studies (ICONIS), State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Madura

2019: International Conference on Interdisciplinary Gender Studies (ICIGS), State Islamic Institute (IAIN) Kudus