Dr Rosemary Mulholland
Associate Tutor
- Institute for Sport, Physical Education and Health Sciences, ISPEHS
- University of Edinburgh
Contact details
- Email: rosemary.mulholland@ed.ac.uk
- Street
Moray House School of Education and Sport, SL
- City
- University of Edinburgh (Holyrood Campus)
- Post code
- EH8 8AQ
Responsibilities & affiliations
Reviewer: 2011-to date
- European Physical Education Review
- Educational Research and Reviews
- International Journal of Educational Research
- American Journal of Educational Research
- European Journal of Physical Education
External Appointments/Roles
- European Educational Research Association (2013-to date ) Co-Convenor for Network 1 (Teacher Development)
- Reviewer for the European Conference Educational Research, Budapest September 2015
- Reviewer for the European Conference Educational Research, Istanbul, 10-13 September 2013
- Member of Scientific Advisory Board (2012/13) EDULEARN (12), International Conference, Barcelona, July 2012
- Government College Lahore, Pakistan (2008-to date) Led Workshops: Teacher Stress, Student Stress and Coping External Advisor to MsC (Clinical Psychology)
- Advisor to MsC (Clinical Psychology) Institute of Management and Technology, Lahore, Pakistan External
Undergraduate teaching
- Depute Director BEd (Physical Education)
- Course Co-ordinator Placement BEd (PE)Year 2,3 & 4
- Course Co-ordinator PE4B (Aesthetics) Year 4 BEd (PE)
- Course Co-ordinator PE4B (Perspectives) Year 4 BEd(PE)
- Personal Tutor
- Physical Education Perspectives – Aesthetics/Socio-Cultural
- Physical Education Curriculum
- Undergraduate disserations
Postgraduate teaching
- Masters Dissertations
- MSc(Dance Education)
Areas of interest for supervision
- Lorele Mackie- Perceptions of Mentoring and Formative Assessment within Student Teacher ITE Placements.
- Andrew Horrell- Physical Education Teachers Engagement with Curriculum Change within the Scottish context
Research summary
- Teacher Stress,Well Being and Coping
- Students Teacher/ NQTS Stress,Well Being and Coping
- Curriculum Change in Physical Education
- PE Teachers Engagment with and Enactment of curriculum change
- Porfessional Learning Partnerships associated with ITE
- Emotional Intelligence, Performance & Well Being (Student Teachers)
- Aestheitc experience and engagment with Physical Educaiton
- Teaching, the Student Teacher and aesthetic experience
Project activity
- Teacher Stress Interventions: Relax and All Will be Well
- Healthy Working Environment? – Perceptions of Teacher Educators.
- Emotional Intelligence and Student (PE) Performance in ITE
- Emotional Intelligence and Student (PE)Perceptions of Stress and Well Being
- Aesthetic Experience & engagmenet with Physical Educaiton and Physical Activity