Maria McMahon |
Social Media Manager |
- Communications and Marketing
Sean McMahon |
Reader |
Dawn McManus |
Student Advisor |
Franziska McManus |
Teaching Assistant |
Lee McManus |
Technical Officer, BVS |
- The Roslin Institute
- The Royal (Dick) School of veterinary Studies
Iain McMaster |
Underground Men: Confession, Space, and Masculinity in Postwar American Fiction |
Mattie McMaster |
Head of Equine Surgery |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
- Equine Veterinary Services
- Equine Orthopaedics
Thomas McMaster |
Training and Development Officer |
Heather McMillan |
Secondment Teaching Fellow (Music) |
- Moray House School of Education and Sport
- Institute for Education, Teaching & Leadership (IETL)
Kathy McMillan |
Hope Park Manager |
Linsey McMillan |
Lucy McMillan |
Dr Paul McMillan |
Lecturer in Physical Education |
- Moray House School of Education and Sport
- Institute for Sport, Physical Education & Health Sciences (ISPEHS)
Mike McMonagle |
Senior Analyst Developer |
Jenn McMurdo |
School Office Assistant |
Andrew Mcnair |
Research Fellow |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
Dr Lynn McNair OBE |
Lecturer in Early Childhood and Froebel |
- Moray House School of Education and Sport
- Institute for Education, Community & Society (IECS)
- Early Years Research, Policy and Practice Group
Abigail McNally |
Resident in Small Animal Emergency & Critical Care |
- The Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies
- Hospital for Small Animals
Lily McNamee |
Research Coordinator |
Peter McNaughton |
Senior Teaching Fellow, Professional Learning |
- Moray House School of Education and Sport
- Institute for Education, Teaching & Leadership (IETL)