Konstanze McLeod
German Language Tutor

Contact details
- Email: konstanze.mcleod@ed.ac.uk
Prior to my appointments at UoE, I have contributed to UG German courses at The Open University (Associate Lecturer for German, 2003-09), Heriot-Watt University (German Tutor, 2002/03) and the University of Strathclyde (Lektorin, 1991-93).
Diplom-Sprachmittler Russisch/Englisch, Universität Leipzig (1990)
MA in Social Anthropology, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London (1994)
PhD in Linguistic Anthropology, Middlesex University (2002)
DaF Methodik und Didaktik, Goethe-Institut e.V. (2019)
Undergraduate teaching
Online Tutor (German), Department of European Languages and Cultures
Language Tutor (German), Centre for Open Leaning
Language Tutor, Deutsch für Juristen (German reading class), School of Law
Research summary
- minority languages and associated cultural practices
- bi- and multilingualism (individual and collective)
- language and identity
McLeod, K. (2014) 'Förderstrukturen und Finanzierungsmechanismen für das Gälische in Schottland'. In: Lětopis 61.2, p. 79–85.
McLeod, K. (2014) 'Gaelic and Sorbian as Multiple Boundary Markers: Implications of minority language activism in Scotland and Lusatia'. Negotiating Linguistic Identity. Language and Belonging in Europe. Vihman, V.-A. & Praakli, K. (eds.). Oxford: Peter Lang, p. 187-222.
Glaser, K. (2007) Minority Languages and Cultural Diversity in Europe. Gaelic and Sorbian Perspectives. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters.
Glaser, K. (2006) 'Reimagining the Gaelic Community: Ethnicity, hybridity, politics and communication'. Revitalising Gaelic in Scotland: Policy, Planning and Public Discourse. McLeod, W. (ed.). Edinburgh: Dunedin Academic Press, p. 169-84.
Glaser, K. (2003) 'Ethno-Cultural Continuity through Language: The Case of Scots Gaelic'. Communicating Cultures. NicCraith, M. & Kockel, U. (eds.), London: LIT-Verlag, p. 176-97.
Glaser, K. (2002) 'Essentialism and relativism in Gaelic and Sorbian language revival discourses'. Seminars on Language Policy and Language Planning, University of Edinburgh, 30 January 2002, http://www.poileasaidh.celtscot.ed.ac.uk/seminarwebversion2.html.
Glaser, K. (2001) 'Zur Wandlung des Ethnizitätsbegriffs bei autochthonen Minderheiten unter spezieller Berücksichtigung der Förderung des Sorbischen/Wendischen in der Lausitz und des Gälischen in Schottland'. Der alltägliche Umgang mit Differenz. Bildung, Medien, Politik. Tschernokoshewa, E. & Kramer, D. (eds.). Münster: Waxmann, p. 83-92.