Iain McMaster
Thesis title: Inside Men: Confession, Masculinity, and Embodiment in American Fiction since the Second World War

PhD in English Literature
Year of study: 5
- School of Literatures, Languages and Cultures
Contact details
- Email: iain.mcmaster@ed.ac.uk
PhD supervisor:
Iain holds a BA (Hons) in English Literature from Concordia University in Montreal, and an MA in English Literature from the University of New Brunswick. His MA thesis examined the convergence of economics and feminism in the fiction of Angela Carter. He began his PhD in 2013 under the supervision of Dr Paul Crosthwaite, and his work is funded by a Wolfson Foundation Postgraduate Scholarship in the Humanities. Iain was a co-convener of the LLC “Work-in-Progress” seminars in 2014/15, a co-organiser of the Theory Reading Group in 2013/14, and reads for the James Tait Black Prize in Biography.
Undergraduate teaching
English Literature 2
Review. Howard Brick and Christopher Phelps, Radicals in America: The U.S. Left since the Second World War. U.S. Studies Online, 4 December 2015.
'An Ethical Response to Political Violence: Confession as Radical Speech in Peter Dimock’s George Anderson: Notes for a Love Song in Imperial Time.' Irish and British Associations for American Studies Joint Conference 2016. Queen’s University, Belfast, 7-9 April 2016.
'The Madman in the Basement: Mapping the Irrational in William H. Gass’s The Tunnel.' The House in the Mind: Architectural Space and the Imagination. Wadham College, Oxford, 16-17 March 2016.
'"Out to earn a living": Ethics and Economics in Angela Carter’s Narratives of Women’s Work.' Women, Work and Value: Europe 1945-2015. European University Institute, Florence, 24-25 October 2014.