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Name Role Business unit(s)
Bérengère Digard Postdoctoral Fellow
Professor Paul Digard Chair of Virology
Dr Stanislava Dikova Research Impact Manager (CAHSS)
Dr Faith Dillon-Lee Head of English Language in the Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences
Farhat Din CRUK Clinician Scientist
Kajsa E Dinesson
Chiyuan Ding
James Ding Research Fellow
Ding Kehan 丁可含 Teaching Fellow
Ding Kehan
Rong Ding
Lynn Dinsmore Trial Manager
Mourad Diouri (SFHEA) Teaching Fellow (Arabic), eLearning Officer
Abdishakur Diriye
Katherine Dirsmith Researcher (Livestock Insights & Modelling)
Mpho Disang
Mihail Dishev
Kosala Dissanayake Lecturer in Veterinary Biomedical Sciences
Nina Diviza
Eleanor Dixon