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Name Role Business unit(s)
George Deane PhD Philosophy
Jenny Deans Centre for Open Learning(COL) Art and Design Course Collection Coordinator, Teaching Fellow in Jewellery for COL
James Dear Reader
Effie Dearden MD Student
Ian Deary Professor Emeritus
Audrey Debard Teaching Fellow
Samuel Debono Clinical Research Fellow
Alice Deeney Animal Care Assistant
Florence Dégeilh Tutor
Dr Matteo Degiacomi Reader in Biomedical Artificial Intelligence
Isabel Del Portillo Miguel Lecturer in Small Animal Oncology
Annabel Del Valle Language Assistant (on leave 2022 to 2023)
Martín Del Valle Menéndez
Dr Jorge Del-Pozo Personal Chair in Veterinary Anatomic Pathology
Professor Enda Delaney Professor of Modern History, Director of Research: Edinburgh Futures Institute
Julie-Ann Delaney Art Collection Curator
Ellie DeLappe HR Partner - Equality Diversity & Inclusion
Gianluca Deli Lecturer in Rabbit, Exotics and Wildlife Medicine and Surgery
Dr Jeremy Dell Lecturer in African History pre 1900; African History
Sergio Della Sala Professor