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Name Role Business unit(s)
Sebastien Guizard Computation Biology Support/Research Fellow
Nuh Celal Gunay
Anja Gunderloch Lecturer in Celtic
Prof Danielle Gunn-Moore Personal Chair of Feline Medicine
Feng Guo
Xiaorui Guo PhD Student
Yihao Guo
Kavisha Gupta Third year PhD student
Doctor Jess Gurney Lecturer MSc Clinical Education
Becky Guthrie Undergraduate Administrator
Bruce Guthrie Professor of General Practice
Katy Guthrie AI Accelerator Programme Manager
Victoria Guthrie Senior Research Fellow and Project Manager on the APPRAISE Project
Alvaro Gutierrez Bautista Lecturer in Veterinary Anaesthesia
Arantxa Gutierrez Raymondova
Susana Guzman Contracts Officer
Naomi Guzman-Santana
Dr Gina Gwenffrewi PhD student
Josie Gwin
Gayle Habbershaw Senior Administrator