Staff news

Staff news 2018

Staff news articles published in 2018.

Christmas closure 2018

The University is to close from 5pm on Friday 21 December 2018 until 9am on Thursday 3 January 2019.

Court meeting: 3 December 2018

The University Court held its most recent meeting on 3 December.

Information Security holiday update

With the festive season fast approaching, the Information Security team is providing tips on how to identify emails sent by fraudsters.

Expert support for returning parents

The University is committed to supporting employees who are new parents.

University hosts sexual violence prevention forum

The University hosted Fearless Edinburgh, a campaign group that tackles gender-based violence in the higher education sector.

Sleep out beats fundraising goals

Staff and students across the University took part in Sleep in the Park on Saturday 8 December.

Principal pledges support to technical staff

The vital contributions that technical staff make to University life have been recognised at an event in McEwan Hall.

Court meeting: 1 October 2018

The University Court held its most recent meeting on 1 October.

Data initiatives on show at cities conference

The potential of data within Scotland’s creative industries is being showcased to mayors and civic leaders from across Europe at an event in Edinburgh.

Christmas Jumper Day

On Tuesday 4 December, the University will celebrate Christmas Jumper Day.

Professor Bernard L. Ginsborg (1925-2018)

Professor Bernard L. Ginsborg was Head of the Department of Pharmacology at the University between 1980 and 1985, before retiring in 1990.

Dublin agreement strengthens European links

A new fund to support collaborative research has been agreed between Edinburgh and University College Dublin.

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