Staff news

Schemes offer pupils work experience

Staff are encouraged to get involved in two programmes to help prepare young people for the world of work.

The schemes – Career Ready and the JET Programme – offer high school pupils mentoring and work placement opportunities at the University.

The deadline for staff to register their interest is Friday 20 April.

Career Ready

The University is pleased to support Career Ready, a charity that links local high school pupils with employers.

The two-year programme for 15-18 year olds (September 2018 – April 2020) sits alongside school studies during S5 and S6. 

Staff meet with their student every 4-6 weeks for 1-1.5 hour at least ten times in total. Two of the meetings take place at the pupil’s high school.

A four-week work placement (internship) is organised by the mentor in June to July 2019, paid by the department (currently £5.20 p/h).

Career Ready provide information handbooks and an induction event for staff giving ideas of meetings and work placement structure.  

JET Programme

The Job, Education and Training (JET) Programme – run by Edinburgh Council – aims to prepare young people in Edinburgh for the world of work.

It provides pupils with the opportunity to gain work experience, and a National Qualification in Employability to help them enter a positive destination after leaving school.

The programme is delivered across Edinburgh and provides opportunities for pupils aged 14 to 16. The placements are unpaid.

Staff who wish to offer a placement to a JET Programme student will be responsible for managing the student in the workplace over an academic school year (September-April).

Often this is one day a week (typically a Friday) but can be flexible to meet the needs of the young person and organisation.

The manager will provide a safe working environment and work-related tasks.

Get involved

Both programmes are open to any staff member who wants to support a young person and is committed to building a relationship with their pupil. 

Please speak to your line manager in the first instance. 

If you would like to get involved, please register your interest by Friday 20 April at

Related links

Career Ready

JET Programme

Youth Talent programmes
