Alumni Services

Konstantina Tziava

Konstantina Tziava’s interest in Edinburgh was sparked by a phone call; years later she still credits her time at the University with shaping the person and teacher she has become.


Konstantina Tziava

Degree Course


Year of Graduation 2003
Konstantina Tziava

Your time at the University

It is so nice to think and talk about my life back when I was studying at the University of Edinburgh. I will always remember a cousin of mine years before I studied there calling me from Edinburgh saying that he had visited 'the most beautiful place on Earth'. So, when it was time to send applications for a masters programme, Edinburgh was an obvious choice for me.

According to the research I had conducted, Edinburgh was a top ranking university so I hoped to be accepted – and I was! From the first moment I set foot in the city I realised that I would always call it home.

The city, the University, the professors, the people I met, the strangers in the streets I encountered – believe me, I could go on forever – made my stay and my studies there unforgettable and priceless. Most importantly, I will never forget the academic knowledge and status I received from the University. Even though it has been 10 years now, I will always remember how much the University has helped me to become the teacher and the person I am today.

The city, the University, the professors, the people I met, the strangers in the streets I encountered – believe me, I could go on for ever – made my stay and my studies there unforgettable and priceless. 

Konstantina Tziava

Tell us about your experiences since leaving the University

After I graduated, I felt really strong, professionally speaking. When I came back to Greece I was immediately employed as a teacher. I will always remember the words of one of my tutors, Gillies Haughton: “Don’t just teach them, touch their souls.” His words, as well as the other professors’ advice and knowledge, have kept me going, especially during tough times.

After University I realised that I could do anything I wanted. I realised my own strengths and potential and I always try to become better at what I do. My experience at the University has encouraged me to pursue knowledge and innovation at work. I have run my own language school, attended another programme on dyslexia and learning difficulties, and I’m currently working as a teacher of English, as well as special educational needs teacher.

The University of Edinburgh has been something of a ticket for me, allowing me to get every job I have applied for. It has definitely broadened both my professional and personal horizons, and I will always feel grateful about that. My students have seen so many videos and pictures of Edinburgh, have heard so many things about the city and the life there that I am sure many of them will go and study there one day. In fact, some of them have already done so.

Alumni wisdom

If I could offer just one piece of advice to current students that would be the following: you cannot even imagine how privileged you should feel to study at Edinburgh. So, enjoy studying, enjoy the city, enjoy a walk on Arthur’s Seat, and keep the view of the city in your heart. You might need it later on in life.
