Alumni Services

Graham McGeoch

Church of Scotland minister Graham McGeoch tells us of his pride of his University of Edinburgh credentials.

Name Graham Gerald McGeoch
Degree Course Master of Theology (by Research)
Year of Graduation 2008

Your time at the University

Gordon McGeoch

On returning from Sao Paulo in 2006, I was looking for an opportunity to continue to reflect on Latin American Theology. The late Prof Marcella Althaus Reid encouraged me to come to Edinburgh: Theology is a matter of life and death, she told me at our first meeting.

Recent developments in world affairs, provoking increasing interest in inter-religious co-operation and dialogue, have demonstrated how true this can be.

These words and the perfume in her corridor are my lasting memories from my time at Edinburgh.

I commuted to Edinburgh from Glasgow and really enjoyed emerging from the train tunnel by the castle into Waverley Station.

The brisk walk up The Mound in rain or sun was always refreshing and let me see the city set in different light.

Tell us about your Experiences since leaving the University

I am now a minister with the Church of Scotland, based in Lisbon, Portugal. When I tell people around the world that I studied at Edinburgh, their eyes light up because it is such a renowned centre of theology all over the world.


When I tell people around the world that I studied at Edinburgh, their eyes light up because it is such a renowned centre of theology all over the world.

Graham Gerald McGeoch


Since graduating, I have gone on to serve on the central and executive committees of the Geneva-based World Council of Churches. In Portugal, I have been involved with pioneering inter-religious and inter-cultural dialogue among religious leaders, diplomats, politicians and civil society, and I help to run a number of capacity-building exchange programmes between community groups and churches in Portugal, Brazil and Mozambique.

Alumni wisdom

Study what interests you and find friendship with people who have no interest in your subject.

