New Students

Get Involved

Being worried about making new friends in Edinburgh is one of the most common concerns for new students. It is important to remember that you are not alone and that everyone else is in the same position.

Students mingling and chatting together

There are many events on offer in your first few weeks, providing plenty of chances to meet new people and take the first step in building new friendships.

However, it may take time to find people you really connect with. Not everyone will make lasting connections during the first few weeks and this is nothing to worry about. There will be plenty of opportunities to meet people throughout your time in Edinburgh and friendships can be formed at any stage. 

Find your people

Some of the best ways to meet other students with similar interests to you is by joining societies, sports clubs and online networking platforms for students and alumni. You can do this at any stage of your student journey, and even before you arrive in Edinburgh.